Page 64 of Claimed Darker

Chapter 21



“Finally!” Amy exclaims before flopping down on her bed, holding her cellphone to her chest.

“Did you finish your lab for chemistry?” I ask as I walk through the door and put my shoes in the closet.

“No, I’ll work on that over the weekend.”

“Wasn’t it due today?”

Amy sits up. “I got an extension. I mean, I couldn’t concentrate this whole week. It’s been over two weeks since I saw JD. I was starting to get worried. But he said to meet him at the club tonight.”

“I’m heading over there tonight. We should go together,” I suggest.

“You’re so lucky Darren’s job isn’t as hard as JD’s. I’ve been, like, dying. I didn’t want to bother him too much because he had this big shipment coming in from China, and he lost it all.”

I sit down on my bed across from Amy. “Lost it all? How?”

She furrows her brow. “It went…bad.”

“A shipment of chemicals?”

“He was so upset, it actually scared me. We were at his place, and he was downstairs, but I heard a good portion of his phone call. I mean, my Cantonese is pretty rusty, but I’m pretty sure I caught the gist of what he was saying.”

“Well, that could definitely explain why he hasn’t been able to spend as much time with you,” I console. Amy has been fretting over JD every single day because they haven’t seen each other since the Rai-Rai concert. She wanted to call him to seek reassurance about their relationship but didn’t want to come off as needy.

“I think it’s good you gave him his space,” I tell her, because she still looks kind of sad.

“I guess so. I mean, I did overhear him say that he wanted to get another shipment going as soon as possible, so he’s probably busy with that. But the jealous part of me can’t help wondering if maybe he’s…seeing someone else.”

I bite my bottom lip. That would have been my first guess, but I don’t have any hard evidence that would suggest JD is cheating on her.

“He wouldn’t have invited you to the club tonight if he wasn’t still interested in you,” I offer.

Amy releases a breath and brightens a little. “True. So things must be going well between you and Darren? You guys see each other every week. Sometimes more. He give you any more foot massages?”

I feel my cheeks growing red. That orgasmic foot massage seems so long ago. There have been many other orgasmic experiences since then, and they’re not ones I’m quite comfortable sharing with Amy. Even though she’s a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey, which I’ve never read but heard a lot about from her, I suspect what Darren and I are doing exceed what’s in that story. Last Thursday he had me in a hogtie on top of the table, a vibrating egg inside me and a plug in my ass, while he thrust himself into my mouth.

“Man, I’ve missed this mouth,” he said.

It was the most uncomfortable blow job I’ve experienced. My boobs were smushed into the table, my head pulled back because he had me put my hair in a braid—which he then tied to the ropes binding my arms behind my back—and I couldn’t stop him from shoving his cock in as deep as he wanted. If it weren’t for the vibrations inside me coaxing me to come, I would have been tempted to invoke my safety word.

But I’m a glutton for punishment. Or, at least his kind of punishment, because a few days later I was back at his place.

“Something like that,” I mumble, then get up to see what’s in my drawers that I can wear to the club.

“C’mon, you can kiss and tell. I’m guessing the sex is good by the look on your face.”

My blush deepens. “It’s good.”

Amy smiles mischievously. “What makes it good?”

“He…he knows how to hit the right spots. I figured he’s just lucky—or I’m lucky, I should say—but I think he’s just really attuned.”

“You are lucky. Anything else?”