Page 63 of Claimed Darker

Eric starts to cough. “Jesus!” he manages before coughing some more.

I motion for a server nearby for water.

“Oh, man,” Eric says when the coughing has stopped. “That stuff tastes like shit.”

JD laughs. “Is vodka easier to handle?”

“The kind I was served. I’m going to the men’s room. I’ll be back.”

After Eric leaves, JD turns to me. “You sure you want to pass on this opportunity, bro? It’s not every day you get to get in on the ground floor of a Drumm resort.”

“From what I read, the Drumms are always asking for money, which is odd if his father is really worth three billion.”

“That’s how they do. They use other people’s money to make money.”

“Only they don’t actually turn a profit,” I retort. “That’s why they get turned down by all the major banks in this country.”

“Remember, we’re not in this for the profit.”

“There’s no guarantee his old man is going to win the presidency.”

“I’m willing to bet that he does. And if you’re going to accept Hao Young’s offer, which it sounds like you might, you’re gonna want some friends in high places. If your dad had an Eric Drumm in his back pocket…”

“I don’t like Drumm.”

JD frowns. “That didn’t matter so much to you until you met Bridget. She talking more trash about Drumm to you?”

“Nothing you don’t already know.”

JD rubs the hairs on his chin. “Look, I’m just gonna come out and say it: you don’t want to be hanging out with a chic like Bridget. She’s bad for business.”


“She’s a bad influence, man. These political types. They think they know everything. All they’re good for is making you feel guilty about crap. The world is full of shit, but people like her insist everything’s got to smell like fucking roses.”

“I’m not changing my mind about Drumm. I don’t trust him. The Drumms don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves. They’ll throw anyone and everyone under the bus if they have to.”

“You think they’re that bad?”

“Bridget showed me this article in The Washington Post—”

JD straightens. “See! She is messing with you. The sooner you drop her, the better.”

I stand up. “I’m not dropping her anytime soon.”

JD leans back into the sofa and shakes his head.

I leave before Eric returns. Back up in my residence, I don’t feel like jacking off anymore. What I want is to talk to Bridget, but I also want her to get her work done.

My cousin is like a brother to me, and I don’t like it when we argue. I consider going back down to the club and smoothing things over, though we’re usually fine the next day. Neither one of us carries a grudge.

Sure enough, the following day I get a call from JD to see if I want to watch the UCLA men’s basketball team play against Cal this week. If there’s a chance that Bridget will be available tonight, I’d pass, but it’s still a little early in the week, so I agree to the game. I don’t think she’ll last till the weekend. Still, I’ve never been in this position before. Usually I hear from a woman before I’m even thinking about her.

However, it turns out I’m right. I get a text from Bridget.

Just about caught up so I think I can take a break. What are you up to?

It’s Thursday.