He shook his head. Women, once fixed upon an item, could be as relentless as the bite of a ferret. “I forbid you to bring Millie back to Château Follet,” he said.

“I vow I will not aid and abet in adultery. But as she had already forsaken her virginity, my only hope was to provide her one night of delight, where her desires could be met in a way that a lifetime of nights with Haversham will not.”

He bristled in discomfort.

“I hope you did not destroy her one opportunity?” Katherine tried again, but she received no satisfaction.

If Millie elected to confide in Katherine, that was her prerogative, but he would not divulge the events of last night.

“Millie is having breakfast but should be ready shortly thereafter,” he said.

“Are you staying the remainder of the weekend?”

“Why should I not?”

“You could escort us to Bath.”

“You know I have no fondness for Bath.”

“No, but I thought…”

“I think you overestimate the good in me.”

She sighed. “I suppose. Can you fault me for trying? I am fond of you, goodness knows why, and of dear Millie. She is a singular young woman, is she not? And much more than meets the eye.”

His anger placated by his aunt’s assurances that she would not be bringing Millie back to Château Follet, he became mildly amused at her efforts at matchmaking.

“She is that,” he acknowledged, ignoring her frown, for she had clearly hoped for more of a response. He made a bow and took his leave, promising himself that, in the future, he would be a lot more careful in granting birthday wishes.