“Bien sur, mon cheri,” she said. Before whisking herself away, she bid Katherine make Follet her second home, as she had once done.

“You look well, Andre,” Katherine remarked with feigned nonchalance when they were alone.

He put his hands on his hips. “You set it up on purpose.”

It seemed she suppressed a smile. “Whatever do you mean?”

“The promise you exacted from me on your birthday. Then, bringing Millie to Château Follet. My God, bringing Millie to Château Follet! What were you thinking?”

His aunt was not intimidated. “Take care of your tone, Andre.”

“Your actions merit more than a stern tone, and do not suppose just because you are my aunt that I will refrain from—”

She beamed. “My, my! You care for your cousin much more than I thought possible.”

He frowned.

“That you would risk affronting me in order to protect her concerns,” Katherine explained.

“You put me in such a position.”

“You could have elected to go about your own affairs.”

“Have you forgotten the rogues and rakes that abound here?”

“I adore the greatest one of them all, and perhaps you have forgotten that I married one!”

“Richard was a rarity. And it was foolish of you to have staked Millie’s reputation on my having a conscience.”

“First of all, Millie and Château Follet are perfectly suited to each other.”

“How long have you been cognizant of her past?”

“For quite some time. Saw it with my own eyes. Poor creature was absolutely mortified,” Katherine continued, “but it was truly the best thing to have happened for her. And as you would not rescind her dowry, I thought she should make the most of her last days as a bachelorette.”

“By taking her to Château Follet!”

“Did she not enjoy herself? That would be my greatest regret.”

“Not that she might have destroyed her reputation? That would be a sure way to expel Haversham.”

“There is little chance that Millie will be discovered.”

“You risk too much, my lady.”

“I commend your concerns on behalf of your cousin. Marguerite told me you were quite insufferable last night in your attempts to whisk Millie to safety. I knew there was good to be found in you. But you were not successful in your attempts.”

“Because I could find no woman of reason.”

“That is not impediment enough for you.”

“Marguerite refused my request for her carriage.”

“But you did not press her a second time?”

“She threatened to throw me out! As long as Millie was kept safe, it was just as well that we did not attempt to travel at night.”

“And did you? Keep her safe?”