Now she looked ready to pommel him. She emitted a frustrated grunt and kicked him in the shin. Surprised, he let his arm slip from the door. She pulled the handle, yanking the door into him, but he recovered and shut it closed.

“Right,” he said, scooping her up and throwing her over his shoulder. He headed toward her chambers.

“Alastair!” she yelped. “Put me down! Alastair!”

He resisted her struggles and mounted the stairs. He knew the chambers Marguerite would have given to a newcomer.

Millie tried to right herself upon his shoulder. “Who is the one acting ridiculous? Alastair! Come to your senses!”

She strained against him, trying to wriggle off, but he did not set her down till they were in her chambers.

“I wonder what Lady Katherine would say if she knew of your conduct?” Millie cried. Her coiffure had slipped and now sat askew upon her head. A rosy flush spread across her cheeks, but it was not unbecoming.

“I fully intend to have a word with my aunt about this,” he replied. “I will send for Bhadra to pack your belongings, that you may leave as early as possible in the morning. Till then, you are to stay in your chambers.”

“I protest this highhandedness!”

“Protest away,” he grumbled as he took his leave, closing the door and locking it.

Behind him, he heard the scream she had been withholding.

He blew out his breath and ran a hand through his hair. What a mess. But at least Millie was safe from Devon. For a moment, he considered returning to the assembly room to see if Miss Hollingsworth might, by chance, be still available. But it would not be right to lock Millie in her room for the night whilst he enjoyed himself.

After finding Bhadra and instructing her to prepare a cup of tea and milk, he sought his valet, who was understandably surprised to learn they should prepare to travel in the morning. His valet, a strapping blackamoor, was rather popular at the château and visibly disappointed at their early departure.

Alastair stopped by his own chambers to avail himself of a glass of brandy. He shook his head. This was what was got when he concerned himself in the affairs of others. He did not like that Katherine had forced his hand, but he could not bring himself to completely disregard the woman who had looked over him like a mother. Katherine had said the selection with whom to fulfill her birthday wish was his, but she had chosen for him. His aunt could be quite wily.

He briefly wondered how invested Marguerite was in the collusion. She had readily blessed his selection for the night. Given how she had defended Millie’s right to be here, he had expected her hesitation or objection. Instead, she had seemed rather pleased and had made no inquiries at all into whether or not Millie had consented to the match.

What would have happened if he hadn’t foiled Katherine’s setup? He could easily have minded his own affairs and partaken of the indulgence he had been anticipating the past sennight. If the only risk to Millie was that she might be discovered, he would, perhaps, have accepted the chances. But Devon, too, had forced his hand. The Viscount seemed genuinely interested in Millie.

Alastair supposed he ought not be terribly surprised. Though no beauty, Millie was not unpleasant to the eye. While she had not the elegance of a slender form, she, like the women in a Reuben painting, still held the appeals of her sex. And she was an intelligent creature and far more fearless than he had expected.

And libidinous. Good God, she was not a virgin. He had not suspected that. And of all places, she wanted to remain at Château Follet. There was much more to Millie than met the eye. Much more.

“The tea and milk you desired, my lord,” Bhadra said from his chamber threshold.

Finishing off his brandy, he gestured for Bhadra to follow him. He would ensure Millie drank the tea and milk while Bhadra prepared the portmanteau so that there would be no delay in departure in the morning. He would then suggest that Millie rest in preparation for the morrow’s journey.

But when he and Bhadra entered the chambers, they discovered the room empty.

“What the devil…” He cursed after looking about the room. Then he noticed the balcony doors slightly ajar. He jerked them open and stepped outside.