Chapter Nine

MILLIE STARED AT HIM with her mouth agape. The port had slowed her wits but had yet to make her dumb.

“What an abominable jest!” she huffed when she had come to.

She turned toward the doors, but Alastair stayed her. “I am not the bantering sort, am I, Millie?”

“And you picked a pretty time to start with such nonsense!”

She pulled on the door, but he put his arm to it to keep it shut. She glared at him.

“Let me pass,” she demanded. “They might have started the pairing.”

“They likely have, but you shall not be returning.”

Her lower lip fell once more, and her eyes widened. “You mean to keep me away—”

“From that Devon fellow. Most assuredly.”

“What of Miss Hollingsworth? Surely you do not prefer my company over hers?”

“It matters not. You are staying with me tonight till Katherine returns for you in the morning.”

Now her lower lip trembled. “How dare you, sir! You are not my keeper, my father, nor a brother.”

“All true but of no consequence to me.”

He could see her thoughts swirling chaotically through her head.

“You’ve no right!”

“I presume Katherine or Marguerite have informed you of the hierarchy here at the château. Women, for the most part, have the role of submission. It is your responsibility to do the bidding of the dominant ones.”

“But I did not choose to be with you!”

“It only matters that I chose you.”

“I protest! Madame Follet will hear me.”

“Marguerite has approved our match.”

“That can’t be true! I will speak with her—”

“Only upon my permission.”

She stared at him as if he were daft and attempted to yank the door open.

“If you cannot follow orders, then you are not suited for Château Follet.”

“This is madness, Alastair! You are ruining the night for both of us.”

“For which you will thank me when you have returned to your senses.”

She looked ready to scream at him. He had never seen his cousin lose her composure before and was mildly interested by the prospect, for the culpability of the night’s ruin must be traced to her for coming to the château in the first place.

“You will forfeit the company of that ravenous beauty to mind me?” she tried.

“Never say I never did anything for you, Millie.”