Page 13 of His Little Amethyst

Her eyes widen. “No shirts?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

She brings her hands to her chest and crosses them, squeezing her breasts. “Bras? Tank tops? Something?”

I decide to go out on a limb and tell her up front what she’ll be wearing on her pretty nipples. It’s not ordinarily advised that we share that detail too soon. Earthlings tend to panic when they find out, but that has backfired for many of our males lately, so I go for a different tactic with my Little girl. “No clothing of any kind.”

She gasps.

I tug her arms away from her chest enough to slide my hand under and finger her nipple. When I tweak it, she gasps again. “Little girls on Eleadia wear nipple rings.”

If her eyes could pop completely out, they would. “Seriously?” She bats my hand out of the way, cups her sweet mounds with both hands, and blocks her nipples from my view. “I’m not sure I like that idea.”

I smile. “You’ll change your mind eventually. For us it’s a symbol of our devotion, sort of like the wedding band people wear on Earth.”

She shakes her head again. “It sounds painful.”

“It won’t be.” I tap my front teeth. “Papi will numb your little buds first.”

“Why? That’s such a strange custom.”

“For one thing, nipple rings are very pretty to look at, Baby girl. For another thing, the weight of them keeps your nipples hard and makes you squirm.” I wink.

She licks her lips again.

“Lower your hands, Janie.”

She shakes her head and squeezes her breasts.

“You won’t be permitted to touch yourself, Little one. For most Papis, that’s a hard rule. We don’t let our Baby girls play with their nipples.” I lean in while I draw her up higher so I can kiss her forehead. “You aren’t allowed to touch your pussy either.”

“How could you possibly keep me from doing either of those things?” she rushes to ask.

“Because you won’t ever be unsupervised.”

She sucks in a breath.

Her arousal is through the roof. She is secretly extremely turned on by the idea. That fact alone distresses her.

“You can’t possibly watch me all the time,” she responds all feisty and determined.

I smile. “I will watch you most of the time. We don’t let our Little ones out of our sight. If I can’t be with you, you’ll be with Chadka or Jeikin.”

“Who are they?”

“Jeikin is our receptionist at the clinic. Chadka is the partner I share my clinic with. Olivia’s mate.”

“Oh.” Her mouth falls open. “I met him.”

“Yep.” I know this.

“Does Livy have nipple piercings?”

“Yes. Garnets.”

“Of course. That’s her favorite color. I can’t believe she let someone pierce her nipples. It’s so unlike her.” Janie flinches. “Maybe she didn’t have a choice,” she grumbles.

“No one is going to pierce your nipples without your permission, Little one. We’ll do it when you’re ready. What’s your favorite color?” I ask to distract her.