Page 12 of His Little Amethyst

I take a deep breath, switch the bottle to the hand around her hip, and tip Janie’s chin up. “You’re mine, Janie.”

She swallows. Her cheeks flush and not from fever. I know her temperature will probably go back up, but it’s lower now from the bath.

“I know it’s a lot to process, Little one. It takes time to adjust. I didn’t plan this, but I had a suspicion it might happen. There’s no going back.” I stroke her cheek.

“You suspected you might be attracted to me before you met me?” Her eyes widen. “From Livy’s description?”

I smile. “Not really. She didn’t tell me how unbelievably pretty you are or that you have these gorgeous red curls or these deep green eyes.” I pinch her cheek. “She didn’t tell me how pale your skin is, about these pretty freckles, or how soft you are.”

Janie’s smile spreads. “You think I’m pretty?”

“Prettiest Little girl I’ve ever set eyes on.” I reach for her hand and bring her fingers to my lips, but she jerks them free, giggling.

“Stop pricking my fingers. It does something to me.”

I chuckle. “It’s supposed to do something to you.”

Her eyes widen. “Are you going to prick other parts of me too?”

I grin wider. “Every inch of you.”

She shudders and draws her knees together tightly, shaking her head. “No way.”

I laugh again. “Absolutely, and you’re going to love it.”

“Seriously? Is that a thing on your planet? Poking women with your needle thingy?”

“It’s a quill. And yes. But we only pierce one person, our Little girl. No one else.”

“Are you injecting me with something?”

“Yes. I can control what I inject you with.”

Her knees draw up further. I can smell her arousal. It’s fascinating how females find the concept so intriguing even though they’ve never heard of it before and will verbally argue they want nothing to do with it.

I was warned about this reaction, so I’m prepared. “My initial prick linked us together for life, Little one,” I inform her.

She squirms, pulling her legs up another inch. Her thighs are pressed tight. Her nipples are hard buds I want to suckle so badly. Her response makes my heart race. “How is that possible?”

I love that she didn’t deny it or argue against my declaration. She’s intrigued instead.

“It’s complicated. My essence got under your skin.”

She licks her lips. “It makes me horny.”

I nod. My mouth is as dry as hers. “I can also numb your skin if you’re injured or put you to sleep if it’s necessary.”

She sets her hand on mine and slides it to my elbow. “Your touch calms me.”

She’s perceptive, even sick. She’s going to be sharper than a tack when she’s well. “Yes.”

“Is that why you’re holding me naked?”

“Partly. Between my touch, my quill, the water, and the formula, your body will fight off the infection in your system quickly.”

She glances at the bottle in my other hand. “You said partly,” she points out in reference to my previous sentence without addressing the bottle.

“No one wears much clothing on Eleadia,” I inform her without sending her into a panic. “Neither males nor females wear shirts.” Maybe if I keep it above the waist for now I’ll be able to get this bottle in her before she finds out what she’s going to be wearing to cover her cute bottom.