"Give him a few minutes," Howard said. "The Vamps are always very hungry when they first wake up."

They thought he might bite her? She watched on the monitor as Robby sat up and looked at the spot where she'd slept. Then he climbed out of bed and hurried to a small refrigerator. He removed a bottle of blood and stuffed it into a microwave.

"How many bottles do they need every night?" Olivia asked.

"They can get by on a minimum of two," Howard said. "But they prefer more."

"And sometimes they drink for fun," Carlos added. "I've seen them drink lots of Blissky and Bleer."

Howard chuckled at Olivia's confused look. "That's synthetic blood mixed with whiskey or beer."

"Oh." She watched Robby guzzle down the entire bottle. Then he grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. "I'll go to his room now."

"I'll show you the way." Carlos led her downstairs. "There are about ten bedrooms down here in the basement. You wouldn't want to venture into the wrong one. Connor, Angus, and Emma stayed here last night, too."

That surprised Olivia. "Wouldn't it make more sense for them to stay close to where the action is?"

"You mean in Kansas City?" Carlos shrugged. "Teleportation only takes a few seconds, so the distance doesn't matter. Besides, they have a strategic advantage by staying here. They're already awake. They'll be fed, armed, and ready to go before the bad guys even wake up."

Carlos opened a door and peeked inside. "This is it." He winked. "Have fun."

"We're just going to talk."

Carlos chuckled as he strode away.

Olivia eased inside and locked the door. She could hear the shower running in the bathroom.

She was sitting in the easy chair when Robby emerged from the bathroom. His hair was wet and loose. He had on a pair of jeans, unbuttoned at the waist, and was drying his damp chest with a towel.

All the memories of the night she'd lost her virginity came rushing back to her. He'd far surpassed any fantasy lover she'd ever imagined. He had been both gentle and strong, both giving and demanding.

He froze when he saw her. "Good evening."

"Good evening," she whispered.

"Did ye sleep well?" He dropped the towel, then slowly fastened his jeans. His eyes glimmered with a reddish tint.

"Why do your eyes turn red?"

He glanced at the surveillance camera and made a cutting motion. The light went off. He sat on the edge of the bed. "A Vamp's eyes glow red when he wants to make love."

Her mouth dropped open. "Are you kidding me? Your eyes are always turning red."

His mouth tilted up. "True."

Her face grew warm. "Then all that stuff about the webcam, or the sand in your eyes, or the reflection from the fireplace - that was all lies?"

He winced. "Olivia, I never wanted to lie. I just never knew how to explain things without scaring you away. The closer I got to you, the more I knew I needed to tell you the truth, but the more I fell in love with you and couldna bear to lose you."

She nodded slowly. "This is a big decision for me. I can't make it lightly."

"I understand."

She studied her hands in her lap a moment, unsure what to say next. When she glanced at him, he was watching her with the red glint in his eyes. Her heart rate quickened. He wanted to make love to her.

He was tempting, so very tempting.

Her cell phone rang. Saved by the bell. She stood to retrieve it from her jeans pocket. "Hello?"

"Olivia," Barker said in a rushed voice. "Have you heard from J.L.?"

"No. I thought he was with you." She motioned for Robby to come over and listen.

"Damn," Barker muttered. "He must have gone back."

"What happened?" Olivia asked.

"We went to the storage facility to check out the two units Yasmine rented. We heard crying behind one of them, so we opened it up and found the children."

"Oh thank God!" Olivia cried. "Are they all right?"

"They're very weak. We called ambulances and took them to the hospital. There are eleven of them. I had six in one room where I was questioning them. The vampires were controlling their minds, so they don't remember very much."

"That might be a blessing." Olivia's heart ached for the children. They would have to learn that their parents were dead.

"J.L. was supposed to be interviewing the other children," Barker continued. "I went to see how he was doing, but he was gone. He left the kids with a nurse. I've tried calling him, but he doesn't answer his phone."

"He must have gone back to check the other unit," Olivia said. "Is it still daylight there?"

"Yeah, but the sun is setting. I'm going to drive back to the storage unit." Barker sighed. "It's rush hour traffic around here. It may take a while to get back."

"Let us know when you arrive." Olivia hung up and looked at Robby. "I hope J.L. hasn't done anything stupid."

"He probably wanted to stake some vampires. They won't give him any trouble when they're dead." Robby pulled on a T-shirt. "But he'd better not be anywhere near them when they wake up." He pulled on some socks and shoes.

Olivia fastened her holster and slipped on her jacket.

Five minutes later she was back in the security office. This time, Robby, Connor, Angus, and Emma were there, along with Howard and Carlos.

"This could be it," Robby said. "Casimir and his followers could be in the other storage unit."

"The escaped prisoners, too," Olivia added.

"If we get there right at sunset, we could catch them by surprise," Connor said.

They made plans. Howard was to remain behind to keep Romatech secure. Robby downloaded contact numbers for five more Vamps in Olivia's cell phone so she could call for backup if necessary. They armed themselves. Robby slipped some wooden stakes into her jacket pocket and wedged a long dagger under her belt.

They called Barker from the speakerphone so all the Vamps could use his voice as a beacon.

"I'm just getting off the freeway," Barker told them. "Damn. The sun's going down."

"Let us know the second ye arrive at the facility," Angus said.

They all waited, tense with excitement.

"It's dark now," Barker reported. "I'm about a mile away."

Olivia prayed J.L. was all right. The minutes seemed to drag on like hours.

"Okay! I'm pulling into the parking lot," Barker said. "I see J.L.'s car."

Olivia held onto Robby, and everything went black. They arrived in a dark parking lot. Connor had brought Carlos. Angus and Emma arrived together. Barker exited his car and joined them.

"Let's go." Angus dashed forward.

Olivia found herself with the two shape-shifters, running to try to keep up with the Vamps. Inside the facility, she heard screams of terror. The Vamps drew their swords as they zoomed toward the noise.

She heard the clashing of swords in the distance. The battle had begun. She arrived at the storage unit with her gun ready. It was a huge room with too much movement and mayhem for her to get in a clear shot. She recognized the faces of the escaped convicts. Some of them were hissing with long fangs as they clumsily wielded swords. The Vamps made short work of them, stabbing them in the heart. They turned to dust.

A few escaped prisoners screamed when they were stabbed. They fell to the floor, writhing in pain. She spotted bite marks on them. They'd been kept mortal to provide food for the vampires.

"Olivia, help!"

She spotted Yasmine at the back of the unit. The poor woman looked terrified. Blood seeped from punctures on her neck.

"Hang on!" Olivia drew her dagger and eased into the room.

A vampire made a grab for her, and she slashed at him with her dagger. He hissed and lunged, then turned to dust as Robby stabbed him through the heart.

She rushed toward Yasmine, but a vampire grabbed the woman from behind and teleported away.

"Olivia, darling."

She turned to see Otis coming toward her. He smiled, and his pointed fangs were stained with blood.

"No!" Robby pulled Olivia behind him.

"Well, hello, Robby." A vampire with black eyes moved next to Otis. "So good to see you again."

"Casimir." Robby pointed his sword at him. "'Tis time for you to die."