"Others were murdered by mortals - the escaped prisoners, no doubt." He gestured to a blond woman with a knife still embedded in her chest. "So much spilled blood. A vampire would never waste blood like that."

Olivia covered her mouth and looked away.

Robby couldn't detect a heartbeat. All twelve of the victims were gone. He shook his head. He was almost three hundred years old, but he still couldn't fathom how a man could do such a thing. They weren't men. They were monsters.

He spotted a woman in a short skirt with multiple stab wounds all over her abdomen. Her legs were a bloody mess. "Whoever killed her is obsessed with knives."

Olivia glanced at the body and turned deathly pale. "That's Otis's handiwork. He likes to keep souvenirs."

Robby walked toward her. "I willna let him near you."

Her eyes glittered with tears. "I hate these bastards."

"We'll get them."

"They were already disgusting as mortals, but when I think about them becoming vampires and acquiring super powers - " She shuddered.

He drew her into his arms, and to his relief, she didn't pull away. He held her tight.

"They're gone," Angus announced as he zoomed back into the room.

"Aye." Connor followed him. "They've probably gone into hiding somewhere so they can transform the prisoners."

Angus gave Olivia a curious look. "So ye're the one who's captured Robby's heart."

"This is Olivia Sotiris," Robby said, still holding her.

Angus slapped him on the back. "She's a real beauty, lad."

"She can hear you," Robby muttered.

"You're Robby's grandfather?" she asked.

"Great-great-grandfather, actually. I'm verra proud of Robby. He's a fine young man."

"I doona need a sales pitch," Robby grumbled.

"Aye, this is all verra romantic," Connor said with a wry look. "Especially with the dead bodies in the room. Did ye notify Sean Whelan?"

"Yes," Robby replied. "He's on his way."

Connor frowned at the bodies. "More victims for Whelan's deadly flu. The idiot thinks he's being clever, but he's going to cause panic among the mortals."

"If you two can stay here," Robby said, "I'll take Olivia back."

"Stay in touch." Angus patted him on the back. "And good work, both of you."

Robby wrapped his arms around Olivia and teleported back to Barker's office. She stumbled, and he steadied her.

"Are ye all right? Ye look deathly pale. Do ye need any food?"

"God, no. Who could eat after that?" She slumped in a chair and called Barker to catch him up on the latest news. Then she set her phone down and closed her eyes.

Robby swung his claymore off his back and set it on Barker's desk. "Ye're tired."

"It's been a rough few days. I haven't been sleeping well."

"Go lie down on the couch. I'll watch over you. Ye'll be completely safe."

"With a vampire?" She smiled. "Maybe I'll just rest my eyes for a little while." She trudged over to the sofa.

Robby dimmed the lights. Within minutes she'd fallen asleep. He sat at Barker's desk and watched her. He felt fairly certain that she still loved him. If he could just keep her safe, she would eventually accept him.

A sudden thought made him stiffen with alarm. If Otis was still mortal the next day, he might come for her. He might plan to capture her first, so they could be transformed together the following night.

And Robby was dead during the day. He couldn't protect her. Or maybe he could.

Olivia woke slowly from a deep sleep and stretched in the big comfy bed.

Bed? A lightning bolt of alarm skittered through her. She sat up and looked around the dimly lit room. The light was coming from an adjoining room, a bathroom. She spotted her holster and jacket on a table. She was still dressed, except for her shoes.

"Robby," she breathed with relief when she saw him lying on the other side of the king-sized bed. "Where are we? Where have you taken me?"

He just lay there with a peaceful look on his face. He was wearing plaid pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt. Since he'd changed clothes, she assumed this could be his bedroom, wherever that was.

"Robby?" She tapped him on the shoulder. No response. "Come on, Robby, wake up." She gave him a nudge.

His chest wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing.

"Oh my God!" She scrambled out of bed. She'd been sleeping with a dead man.

"Ms. Sotiris?" a booming voice said, and she jumped.

"What?" She pivoted, looking around, then spotted a surveillance camera in a corner by the ceiling.

"Ms. Sotiris, don't be alarmed. This is Howard Barr. Robby asked us to keep an eye on you."

She noticed a light switch by the door and ran over to turn it on. The room was a fairly typical bedroom. Chest of drawers, easy chair, table and lamp, big bed with a dead body on it. She winced. Poor Robby. At least the light she'd turned on wouldn't disturb him.

"Ms. Sotiris, I'm sending Carlos down to get you," Howard Barr announced.

She realized his voice was coming from the intercom by the door. She pushed the talk button. "Where am I exactly?"

"The basement of Romatech Industries," Howard responded.

Her breath hitched. "I'm in New York City?"

"White Plains."

She looked at her watch. It was almost eleven. She recalled falling asleep in Barker's office about 3:00 A.M. Robby must have teleported her while she slept.

She didn't know whether to be annoyed or grateful. If Otis was still alive and looking for her, he'd never find her here. But Robby shouldn't have done this without her permission. She was supposed to be at work today.

There was a knock on the door, and she opened it.

"Menina." Carlos grinned at her. "It is good to see you again."

"Hello, Carlos." She stepped into the hall, then slammed him against the wall. "I know it was you who chased me into the sea. Don't ever terrorize me again."

His amber colored eyes twinkled. "I guess the cat's out of the bag."

She snorted and released him.

He led her upstairs to the MacKay security office and introduced her to Howard Barr.

"This is where Robby works at night?" she asked. She looked at the wall of monitors and spotted the camera in Robby's room.

"We don't usually watch him sleep," Howard said from his chair behind the desk.

"That's for sure," Carlos agreed. "It's not like he's going to do anything."

"He asked us to keep the camera on so we would know when you woke up." Howard pushed a box of doughnuts toward her. "You must be hungry."

She munched on a bear claw while she called Barker.

He wasn't surprised. Robby had left a note on his desk, telling him where she would be.

"I'll get him to teleport me back as soon as he wakes up," she told her boss.

She spent the rest of the day getting a tour of Romatech and hanging around the security office. She met Shanna Draganesti and her children about supper time, and they invited her to eat with them at the Romatech cafeteria. They were a lovely family, but she was painfully aware that the father wasn't with them. He was currently dead, like Robby.

An hour later J.L. called. "Good news! Yasmine used her debit card last night about three-thirty A.M. She rented two units at a climate-controlled storage facility."

Olivia related this news to Howard and Carlos.

"Sounds like a good place to hide vampires during the day," Carlos said. "They're all locked up safe and secure with no windows."

"Barker and I are going to check it out," J.L. told her.

"Be careful." Olivia groaned inwardly. She should be with them, but she was stuck at Romatech until Robby woke up. "Why don't you take Harrison and Saunders with you?"

"We thought about that," J.L. said. "But if we find any vampires, we'll stake them, and we don't want anyone from the office to see that. Don't worry, Liv. It's still daylight here. The vampires will be dead."

"Okay." She supposed they would be all right as long as it was daylight. The sun was already nearing the horizon in White Plains, but it would still be up in Kansas City.

She knew the instant the sun had set. On the monitor, she saw Robby's body jerk, then his chest expanded with a deep breath. "I should go see him."