Page 114 of The Girl Next Door

And then he pushed off the ground, bursting through the ceiling, taking Sorina with him. I ran to them, too late, my eyes peering at the sky. They rose high, and I could see the blue of Sorina’s eyes looking down at me.

Then he spread his wings, taking off into the sky.

I thought I heard her cry—my name on her lips—but in a blink, they were gone.


The rain was beating on the surface of the roof when I woke in a basement, chained to a wall.

I strained against the metal, body aching, eyes searching for something to anchor me.

Diana sat on a chair twelve feet in front of me, arms crossed, eyes dark and haggard.

“Where am I?” I asked, and my voice sounded like it always did. Gone was the guttural growl, the inhumanness of before.

“You’re in my basement, below my place,” she said.

“I didn’t know you had a basement,” I remarked.

“I like it that way,” Diana said, standing. “How do you feel?”

“Like someone broke every bone in my body.” I strained against the chains, anger swelling inside of me, masking the panic.

Diana smiled, shaking her head. “Yeah. That sounds about right.”

“Where is she?” I asked, no longer caring about my own broken body.

Diana’s face fell as she walked to me. She unlatched the chain on my left wrist, then the right, before answering. “He has her. She’s gone.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, as I rubbed the aching wrist of my right hand with my left. I took a step forward and Diana stepped back, almost wary.

“I mean, if the Deacon has her, there is nothing we can do. She’s in the deep sleep,” she answered, clearing her throat.

I looked down then, noticing I wasn’t wearing my clothes from the formal. Instead, I had on a pair of dark jeans and a shirt that saidMoonies. “What the—”

“Yeah, you shredded your clothes when you changed.” Diana laughed, though there was no humor there.

I shuddered at the thought of someone seeing me bare, and I crouched down, head spinning as I clutched my shaggy hair. “Changed into what?” I asked, voice breaking, memories blurring in my head.

“Into what you are, what you’ve always been.”

“He called me Skoll,” I said as I rose to my full height, staring at the ceiling.

“Do you know the story of Skoll and Hati?” Diana asked.


“Fenrir?” she tried again.

I nodded. “The giant wolf?”

Diana walked to the staircase, leaning on the railing. “Yes. Skoll and Hati are Fenrir’s sons. They’re meant to chase the sun and the moon until the end of days; that’s an old myth taught in books. You’ll probably learn about it at your little school. But you won’t learn about the omens that rule this fucking town. Not in books.”

“What omens?” I asked, stepping toward her.

Diana’s deep voice sounded hard when she recited the words that bound me to Sorina.

From their blood, a prophecy will be woken