Page 115 of The Girl Next Door

No cycle broken,

Twin Princes of black beast;

Treachery, the wolf

Who chases the bright bride of the sky

The other He Who Hates

Who follows the lunar daughter

Into the desolate forest

We stood there for a moment, dark words between us, my mind spinning. “None of this makes fucking sense.” I went for the stairs, ready to leave the basement, but Diana stepped in my way.

“Do you want to hear this or not?” she asked, her hand on my chest, pushing me back. “I won’t give you riddles like Sorina. That’s not what this is. She was trying to protect you. I’m going to arm you.”

I stepped away from her touch and crossed my arms. “Okay. Tell me why the Deacon said they had a daughter. And why he called Sorinadaughter.”

Diana’s face fell, and she shook her head. “Because he is her father, and they have a daughter.”

“That’s—” My heart ached, and my eyes stung.

“Incest. Yes.”

“She—” I started, and Diana shot a look at me.

“She didn’t know. They never fucking know when he tricks them. He makes them for this. There are to be no males like them.”

“No male vampires?” I asked.

Diana shook her head. “He won’t allow male offspring. Only girls may live—to keep the bloodline pure, his bloodline. He creates new daughters with his daughters. He comes to them when they’re grown. When they don’t know what they are. He seeps into their dreams and bends their minds. It’s a game. He finds them alone, rapes them, and plants his seed. And if they have a male son? He eats them.”

“What the fuck—” I said as I stepped back farther into the basement, deeper into the nightmare.

“He is the first of his kind. The firstvampire. He isn’t alive. But she is. Or, she was,” Diana said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“There arelivingvampires anddeadvampires. You felt her pulse, right? Heard her heartbeat?”

I closed my eyes, imagining my ear to Sorina’s chest, the frantic beat of her heart. “Yes.”

“His daughters are alive. They feel, they have a beating heart, a pulse. But if they transform, they can be like him. In Sorina’s home in Romania, they call them Moroi and Strigoi. The living vampires and the dead vampires. But they are forbidden to make the change. He fears them.”

“How do they make the change?” I asked, though somewhere inside I thought I knew.

“Suicide. She has to want to overtake him—want to still her heart. But her daughter is all that has kept her from it. From chasing. She thinks she’ll be like him if she does.”

“Where is her daughter?”

“He has Salina,” Diana said, raking a hand though her black hair. “She’s a half-breed, part of the prophecy that will undo him.”

“What is she?” I asked, remembering the headstone in the cemetery the first time I saw Sorina in the flesh.Salina.

“Half her, half wolf,” Diana said.

I buried my head in my hands, my mind spinning. “This is too much. Fuck!” I yelled, and the house shook.