He wanted to be one of them. Ached to be one of them. Just as she’d damn well known he would when she turned on the movie.
She turned around just as theboom-chock-a-wang-wangmusic got into full swing. Their eyes met and her hand instantly rose to her throat. “I thought you were asleep.”
“I wasn’t.”
She edged around the chair, keeping a safe distance as she tried to ease out of the room.
“Sorry to disturb you.”
He shook his head, tsking as she tried to turn and walk out. “Leaving so soon?” he asked, hearing the low rumble of intensity in his own voice.
She nodded. “I, uh, forgot something.”
He paused for the length of one heartbeat. “Your dildo?”
Even in the darkness he could see her blush. “Inever…”
“You should. You need to get off, babe. You need it badly. I can see it in your eyes.”
She looked away. “You’re delusional.”
He laughed softly. “Right.”
“I told you I forgot something.”
“Forgot to turn yourself invisible while you snuck down here to get a porn fix?”
Her mouth fell open. “I was not!”
“Then whatwereyou doing, Caroline?”
She glanced around helplessly, taking one more step toward the door. “I…um…nothing.”
“You could have done nothing up in your room.”
She crossed her arms and tilted her head back in false bravado. “I thought I heard a noise.”
He hit the mute button on the TV remote. The silence was louder than the movie had been. Then he whispered, “What kind of noise? Moaning? Screaming? Panting?”
Her bottom lip disappeared into her mouth, and she proceeded to chew a hole in it.
“What did you hear, Caroline?” Keeping his voice silky smooth, almost hypnotic, he rose to his feet and stalked her. “Helpless whimpers? Soft sighs of pleasure? Sweet whispers or the slick sound of skin sliding against skin?”
“Stop it.” Her voice was weaker than her protest.
“How about wet kissing?” He stepped closer, until their bodies were separated a distance no wider than a lock of her beautiful chestnut brown hair. As he spoke, his breath touched her face. He saw tiny goose bumps arise on her skin and her eyes drifted closed.
“Cries for more?” He raised his hand and ran the tip of his finger, only that and nothing more, along the collar of her pajamas. “The tearing off of clothes? A woman’s voicebeggingfor release?”
“The slick, wet sound of a tongue tasting all the delicious places of another person’s body?”
She whimpered, low and soft, deep in her throat. Mick knew he should stop.Knewit. But he couldn’t. “That deep moan a woman makes when she’s finally filled to the hilt by a thick, hard cock?”
“Oh, God. Please stop.”
Though his words were inflaming him as much as they were her, Mickcouldn’tstop. “What’s wrong? You want to see it, but you don’t like somebody saying it?”