Page 42 of Just Killing Time

She wanted him naked. Hot. Powerful. Strong. Seductive. Everything she remembered, everything she’d fantasized about. It had been eight years and they’d both been practically kids. And the sex had still rocked her world.

“Good God, what might he be like now?”

Even though she told herself she’d come back to town on Sunday with absolutely no intention of hooking back up with Mick, she had to acknowledge the truth: her pasta-straining diaphragm had hit the trash as soon as she’d returned to California. It had been replaced by a simple injection. Today, after he’d left her office, hadn’t been the first time she’d thought about how glad she was to have gotten it.

As for tonight…. “Porn movies. Pig,” she whispered, trying to build up her righteous indignation again.

But somehow, instead of indignant, she felt a little…strange. Unsettled. Itchy and uncertain. Aware and tense.

No, she did not want to watch other people having sex on film. Particularly not women with huge boobs and squeaky voices. Or men with huge…well, huge men.

It was the thought, though, that was driving her out of her mind. The thought of sex, down and dirty, sultry and pounding, that had made her run from the media room tonight. She couldn’t watch someone else having sex when she wanted it so badly herself. So how couldhe?

That, she realized, was what was really keeping her awake. How could Mick have been so close to her earlier that day, touching her with such sultry skill and pleasure, looking ready to gobble her up like the wolf he was, then watch sexy movies alone in his house while she lay right upstairs?

Unless he was completely unaffected by her. Unless that little smile he’d given her when he’d left the trailer todayhadn’tmeant what she’d thought it had meant.

There was really only one way to find out.

Not entirely sure what she meant to do, Caro slipped out of bed and made her way through the upstairs hallway. She avoided the creaky spots on the wooden floor and stepped over the second step from the top on the staircase, which also creaked.

She approached the media room, lit only by the flickering light of the television. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to prepare herself for the worst—the worst probably being seeing Mick enraptured by six triple-D breasts filling up his TV screen—and walked up behind him.

She cast one quick glance at his form on the recliner, quick enough to see he was asleep.

How jaded must a man be to fall asleep during a porno?

Then she took a closer look at the TV and recognized a familiar toothpaste commercial. The unopened movie box was on the floor, over by the entertainment center where he’d been squatting when she’d left.

He’d tricked her. Played a wicked prank to get her to leave him alone with his big, beautiful TV. He hadn’t watched any porno movie. As the commercial faded, she realized he’d been watching a basketball game.

Sneaky rat.Even as she thought it, though, a part of her was glad he hadn’t watched the movie while she was upstairs in bed. That would have bothered her. Tremendously. Still, that didn’t let him off the hook for stealing her TV time.

She instantly thought of a way to get even. Knowing Mick, remembering his intensely sexual nature, she knew exactly what to do to make him crazy when he woke from a light sleep probably full of the horny dreams men like him always had. Yeah, she knew what to do.

Give him exactly what he’d asked for.

LIKE THAT FIRST night, Mick knew the moment Caroline entered the room. He’d been dozing, bored by the game. He’d drifted off thinking about their shared dinner, wondering whatshewas thinking up in her room. Wondering if their thoughts had been the same.

Doubtful. Not unless she’d developed a thing for silk scarves and edible body paints. Somehow, his traitorous brain hadn’t gone for the simple sex scenario. It’d gone straight to usual fifth date stuff—light bondage, amazing oral sex. Headboard slamming and loud screams of pleasure.

Damn, this would never do. He was getting hard again, sitting here in his chair, while she crept around like a sneaky little mouse, launching her silent attack on his TV.

He half thought she was about to start flipping channels and steal a quickDharma and Gregrerun while he was asleep. So her next move really startled him.

She picked up the video box. She opened it. She took out the disc and popped it into the player.

He gulped, almost unable to watch.

Then she did it. The little witch pushed play.

No. No, no, no way in hell was she gonna get away with sneaking down here to watch his bad porn. If she’d wanted to get off like that, she could have snuck the movie back up to her own room, where there was a perfectly adequate small TV.

As he continued to watch through half-lowered lashes, Caroline hit the fast forward button until the screen filled with bodies in various states of dress. Not that he was looking. Not that he cared. Mick had never cared for X-rated movies, never needed them, truth be told. That was why the majority of the ones in his entertainment center were unopened.

But, oh, God, did they bring to mind real sex. Right now. Sex withher, the woman standing here, backing quietly away from the television as she dropped the empty case to the floor.

So much for keeping his mind off the things they’d done together. It was hard enough trying to forget the way he’d once been able to make her come just by cupping her through her jeans and sucking deeply on those sensitive, perfect nipples. He’d been remembering, thinking about it every day when he watched her leave in the morning and come back at night. So how the hell could henotthink about it now, when the room was full of sex and lust and moaning people writhing in pleasure?