Page 49 of Soul Bound

“I’m sorry, Rafe.”

“I should think so. You’re not normally so sneaky or thoughtless, so I’ll put it down to the bond and the events of the last few days.” Rafe glared at him, and Aaron could see the flash of his panther. His own wolf would normally have risen to the challenge, but all he did was lay his ears back. “But don’t let it happen again. Don’t disrespect me when it comes to you and the Pack’s safety.”

Suitably chastised, Aaron nodded. “I know. Thank you.”

“Come on,” Marshall said, gently tugging at him. “Let’s lie down. The sooner you’re all healed up, the quicker things can get back to normal.”

With a nod at Rafe, Aaron let Marshall lead him to the bedroom. He sighed with relief when his head touched the pillow. Marshall pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“I’ll get you some pain relief, and then we can snuggle for a while.”

Aaron hummed his approval. He and his wolf enjoyed snuggling with their mate. Of course, they’d like to do more, but, yeah, that wasn’t happening anytime soon with both of them trying to get back to full strength. Internally kicking himself for setting his recovery back for the sake of a few emails, he relaxed into the mattress. It wasn’t long before Marshall was back, and after downing the proffered pain relief, he let sleep take him, secure in his mate’s arms.

Marshall woke slowly, spooned into Aaron’s back, his nose buried in the warmth of his nape. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of earthiness that was all Aaron. As he did every morning, he took stock of his body. His headache was minimal, his aches virtually gone, and he felt well-rested.Hmm, maybe the soul bond was finally being accepted by his body.

Aaron gave a soft snore and pressed back into Marshall, making him realize there was something else going on with his body; he had morning wood. He froze. That hadn’t happened for a long time. He eased himself back an inch or so from Aaron’s warm body. Aaron grunted and pressed back again, his ass nestling perfectly into the cradle of Marshall’s groin.

Marshall bit back a groan and took a deep breath, praying that Aaron fell back into a deep sleep. He needed a moment to come to terms with this recent development. Aaron’s breathing changed, and Marshall knew he was only moments away from waking. He held himself as still as possible, holding back the urge to grind against Aaron’s tight ass.

“What’s wrong?” Aaron’s question was husky and sleep roughened.

“Noth… nothing.”

“You’re tense, but I don’t sense danger.” Aaron paused and inhaled deeply. “Goddess, your scent,” he breathed.

“I have a scent?”

“Yeah, it’s like a spicy toffee.” Aaron inhaled again. “But it’s so much deeper this morning. My wolf just wants to roll in it.” Aaron went to roll over, but Marshall tightened his arms around him, holding him in place.

“Marshall? What’s wrong?”

Marshall didn’t answer, and he felt Aaron tense in his arms.

“You’re worrying me. Do we need to call Sam?”

“No. I’m fi… fine. I just need you to lie still for a moment.”

Aaron went as still as his wolf hunting prey, and Marshall could sense him taking stock of their surroundings. A few seconds later, a chuckle escaped from the man in his arms as he wiggled his hips.

Marshall buried his face in Aaron’s shoulder with a groan.

“Please….” he breathed.

Aaron flipped, rolling on top of Marshall. As their lower bodies connected, they both groaned.

“Well, this is new,” Aaron commented, and Marshall could see amusement and desire shining in the amber eyes.

“Hmm,” Marshall agreed, raising his hands to rest on Aaron’s waist. He felt Aaron’s length twitch against his own at the touch.

Aaron dropped his head and sniffed along Marshall’s jaw. Marshall instinctively lifted his chin to give his mate better access and slid a hand along Aaron’s spine until it tangled in his hair. He held Aaron in place, shivers racing through him as Aaron nibbled and nipped at the tender skin of his throat.

“Goddess, the things I want to do to you,” Aaron rasped, and Marshall bit back a moan as Aaron began a slow grind.

“Yes,” he gasped back, his own hips moving of their own accord, seeking friction.

“You… ugh…. You’ll stop me if it gets too much?”

“Yes.” Marshall grasped Aaron’s head and lifted it before smashing their mouths together. Aaron met his mouth with a heat and ferocity that matched his own hunger. Marshall couldn’t get enough. He rolled his hips as he sucked on Aaron’s tongue. He ran his hands along Aaron’s muscled back, desperately trying to learn every dip and curve.