Page 48 of Soul Bound

He made his goal and slumped heavily into his chair behind the desk. After taking a moment or two to catch his breath, he fired up his computer and logged in. He knew he had literally a few minutes before they found him. It should be more than enough time to check his email.

He was reading through his second email when there was a tap at the door. He froze, hoping whoever was there would go away when they didn’t get an answer. Nothing happened for a few seconds, and he thought he’d gotten lucky when the doorknob turned, and someone tentatively pushed the door open.

Aaron gave an internal groan as his cousin’s scent hit him.Damn it, he’d rather face Rafe’s wrath than Harlan. Schooling his features, he waited for the other man to speak. Harlan gave a small jolt of surprise at seeing Aaron behind his desk.

“Oh! I wasn’t expecting to find you here, Alpha.” He pushed the door behind him and crossed to the chair in front of Aaron’s desk. “I’d been told you were too ill to see anyone.”

“I’m only here for a moment to check my email,” Aaron told him. “What can I do for you, Harlan?”

Harlan went to sit in the chair but stopped in a half stoop at Aaron’s pointed look. He slowly straightened as he realized his Alpha had not permitted him to sit.

“Oh, I… um… just wanted to check in and see how you were.” Harlan licked his lips, the nervous movement not going unnoticed. Aaron leaned back in his chair, trying to seem relaxed while fighting the pounding of his head.

“Despite being incapacitated with a migraine for the last few days, I’m fine, thank you, Harlan.”

“Are you sure, Alpha? I mean… I don’t mean to pry, but you have been battling these ‘migraines’ for a while now.”

Aaron heard the unspoken quotation marks around ‘migraines’ and ignored it.

“Has Doctor Collier been able to find the cause of them?” Harlan pressed on. “Have you considered a second opinion? I know of a doctor in Springhill who has an excellent reputation, and I’m sure he’d be more than happy to see you.”

“Thank you for your concern, Harlan. I can assure you I’m more than happy with Sam’s care,” Aaron said, eyeing his cousin shrewdly.

Harlan opened his mouth to reply but was forestalled by the office door swinging open and an irate Rafe striding into the room, closely followed by Marshall, who raked his gaze over Aaron.

“Sneaky, Alpha,” Rafe growled. “Don’t think I’m going to forget this. As soon as you’re able, I’m dragging you down to the mats.”

“He’s not the only one,” Marshall chimed in with a glare.

“That’s no way to talk to the Alpha,” Harlan gasped. “And who are you?” he asked, turning his attention to Marshall.

A rush of protectiveness raced through Aaron, but before he could say anything, Marshall drew himself up to his full height and gave Harlan such a look of disdain it was all Aaron could do not to laugh.

“I’m a friend of the Pack, here at the Alpha’s invitation. Who are you?”

“I’m Aaron’s cousin,” Harlan sniffed, looking down his nose at Marshall. “May I ask what your business is here?”

“No, Harlan, you may not,” Aaron said and was happy to see his cousin shrink at the admonishment. “If you have nothing else?”

“Ah, no, Alpha. I’m leaving later today. I hope you’re feeling better soon.” Harlan ducked his head in deference before leaving the room, making sure to leave as much distance between himself and the two glaring ex-special forces operatives as possible.

“And that,” Rafe said, pointing to the empty doorway, “is why you have someone guarding you.”

“Harlan’s harmless.”

“Physically, maybe.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Aaron’s head was really pounding now, and all he wanted to do was lie down, not argue with the head of his security.

Rafe just huffed and turned to Marshall. “I’ll leave him to you. Do you want a hand getting him back to your rooms?”

“I’m more than capable of walking back to my room,” Aaron said, pushing to his feet. He swayed as the dizziness hit and Marshall muttered a curse.

“Yeah, help me get him back. I’m not at full strength and not stupid enough to think that I am.” The implied‘unlike some’ was loud and clear.

Aaron shuffled over to Marshall, his mate’s spicy toffee scent soothing him. A warm arm wrapped around his waist, and he let Marshall take his weight. Rafe hitched a hand under his elbow, and he let them guide him out of the office.

As they made their way back to the apartment, Aaron ignored Rafe’s quiet mutterings. As they reached his door, he stopped and drew his arm away from Rafe.