She was trying to pull him up her body but he couldn’t be rushed. He was taking his time with her and she appreciated it. But she wanted that rock-hard erection inside of her. She wasn’t going to be satisfied until he was buried in her body.

She shifted on the bed so she was positioned underneath him and he finally moved over her. Putting his hands on her waist, he shifted them both until they were fully on her bed and he was between her thighs. He held himself up with his hands and looked down at her. There was something in his eyes that made her shiver and feel so alive. So much so that she realized the price she’d paid for being safe. She hadn’t realized she’d just been existing all of this time.

“I’m not going to last long,” he warned her.

“Good. Then we can do it again later,” she said. She put her feet firmly on the bed and pushed her hips up as she felt the tip of him at her entrance. He held himself for a moment and then plunged deeply into her. She hadn’t been prepared for how big he was and he filled her completely. He held himself still for a moment watching her face and as soon as she relaxed and smiled up at him, he started thrusting into her. He drove himself hard and deep again and again.

She felt her body driving toward the pinnacle again and she arched her back, felt the tips of her hardened nipples brush against his chest as he put his hand under her butt and lifted her higher so he could go deeper and then she stopped thinking as another orgasm broke over her.

Stars danced behind her eyes and her body contracted hard around his cock. He buried his face in the curve of her neck and drove into her harder and deeper than before until he came with a loud grunt. He continued thrusting into her a few more times and then he stopped and lifted his head.

When he smiled down at her she realized she’d never seen a more genuine smile on his face than in this moment. He arched one eyebrow at her.

She just smiled up at him. “Well I guess we know what’s going to happen if we both take our shoes off.”

He chuckled and rolled to his side, pulling her with him. “We definitely do. Let me go wash up and I’ll be right back.”

He got up and went into the bathroom and she heard the sound of the water running as she hopped out of bed and pulled back the covers. She got on the side she normally slept on and wondered how long he’d stay.

Would it come up? It was always awkward…or rather she was always awkward the first time she slept with someone. She didn’t want to come across as wanting him to stay if he wanted to leave or to make him feel like he couldn’t stay.

The water shut off and a moment later he was back in the bedroom. She caught her breath as he walked across the room toward her. He was a big, muscly man with tan skin and a light dusting of dark hair all over his body. He moved with the strength of a caged tiger, like the dominant man he was in the business world and in the bedroom. There was no room for weakness in Max Parrish.

“So…” she said.


“Do you want to spend the night?” she asked, the words coming out of her in a rush.

“Uh, I wasn’t planning on leaving until morning unless you want me to,” he said.

“I want you to stay. Sorry I’m so blunt but I’d rather just ask and know what you’re thinking than sit here and wonder if you’re going to stay.”

He got into the bed next to her, bunched a pillow up behind his back and then pulled her into his arms. She curled against his side, her head resting on his shoulder and her hand lightly touching his abs, tracing her finger over the tattoo on the inside of his wrist.

“I’m glad. I’d rather know what’s going on too.”

“We are both a bit too honest at times,” she said.

“Are we?”

“Yes. You have been very direct since the moment we met,” she reminded him.

“The moment you crashed my party.”

She made a fist and lightly punched him. “Are you ever going to stop bringing that up?”

“Probably not,” he said, dryly. “You strike me as a rule follower, so I know it was a one-off for you.”

“It was but I don’t regret it, as I said earlier. I think it was the right move no matter how nervous and worried I was.”

“You looked like a calm, cool ice queen,” he said.

“Did I? That doesn’t sound very appealing.”

He squeezed her close. “Then you laughed and it was such a warm joyous sound, I almost didn’t believe it came from you. That’s what drew me to you.”

“My laugh?”