“Yes. I’m beginning to think that your laugh is the only part that shows me the real you. Though you are getting closer to revealing yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure yet, but this bedroom doesn’t seem at all like the energy in your boutique or when you talk about your projects. Why is that?” he asked.

That was not a conversation she wanted to have. She didn’t really want to peel back the layers of her soul tonight. Not when he had just driven her to the heights of ecstasy.

“I’ll have to tell you another time,” she said.

Chapter Eight

The next morningMax woke to the smell of coffee and the muted sound of women’s voices in the other room. He glanced around Angelica’s bedroom and noticed she’d put some sweatpants and a T-shirt on the end of the bed. She’d also folded his clothes and set them on the armchair in the corner next to a bookcase jam-packed with books.

He looked for his cell phone and found it on the nightstand. He should start answering emails. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was just past seven. But it was Sunday and he was in Angelica’s bed and in no hurry to get up. He assumed she was talking to her cousin. Last night hadn’t been part of the plan but he had no regrets.

He got out of bed, took a shower and dressed in the clothes she’d provided before looking at his phone. He had a text from his dad, which he glanced at and then leaned against the bathroom counter.

Dad:Did you see the email from your mom?

Max:Yes. Are you part of the ‘us’?

Dad:I’m not sure, as I got the same email. Have you spoken to her?

Max:No. Wanted to talk to you first. If neither you nor I know about this…who is she talking about?

Dad:I’ll talk to her and call you later. Love you.

Max:Love you too.

He shoved his phone into his pocket and left Angelica’s bedroom. She and Cosima were indeed sitting on the couch watching TV and drinking coffee.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” Angelica said. “There’s coffee in the kitchen and some muffins that Cosima brought home with her this morning.”

“Thanks. Nice to see you again, Cosima.”

“Nice to see you too. I was very excited you approved our proposal,” Cosima said.

“Let me get some coffee and we can discuss it. If you have time today, we could go look at the location so we can find the best place for your center,” he said.

“That’s great.”

Angelica got up and followed him into the kitchen, handing him a coffee mug. “Milk or sugar? Or black? You seem sort of no-nonsense.”

“I’m not sure what that would indicate but I like my coffee black.”

“No-nonsense,” she said, then came closer and lowered her voice. “I didn’t want to leave you alone in bed but sometimes Cosima comes in to chat when she gets home.”

“That’s fine. I think Reg is in town so I’ll text him to meet us at the site. We have room for six to eight new projects.”

“Reg is definitely in town; I think he hooked up with Cosima last night.”


“That’s what I said.”

Cosima came into the kitchen and rinsed out her coffee cup. “What did you say?”

“Nothing important. I’ll grab our notes for the art center and my tablet so we can show you the sketches I’ve made.”