“All right,” Everett says. “I think we know what Marlena went to extricate from Bella’s nightstand.”

“You’re darn tootin’,” Carlotta says with her eyes agog. “Those are some of the best manual override products on the market. I call dibs on the little one. It might look second-best compared to the big boy, but that dual action function has me wanting more already.”

“Gross, Carlotta,” I gag as I say it. “There’s no way you’re getting anywhere near those things.”

Teeny Weenie cranes his neck as he flies in close. “Why, these aren’t my toys at all. These toys belong to Bella. Oh, she wouldn’t let me get near them. She once threatened to step on my paw if I even sniffed in their direction.”

“That was generous of her,” I say, and oddly, I sort of mean it.

I don’t want Teeny Weenie near those things either.

Noah drops them both back into the bag and comes up with a third implement, an aqua rubber offering that is shockingly life-like.

“Oh, wow,” I say. “That one looks anatomically correct.”

“No kidding?” Carlotta looks more than a little intrigued. “Which one of these studs dials the rotary phone with a sea snake the color of the ocean?”

“Carlotta.” I cluck my tongue at her. “I am not talking about this anymore, and neither should anyone else in this room.”

“That’s just like you, Lot,” she sneers. “Always telling the living what to do, and telling the dead where to die. I don’t know how anyone puts up with your snooty shenanigans.”

Both Pancake and Waffles let out a mewl and Carlotta nods.

“See that, Lot? They said they’re sick of your bossy ways, too. And they both think I should get the rest of the contents of that bag as well. What do you say, Foxy? I’ll take them off your hands, sight unseen.”

“No can do,” he tells her.

“All right, fine,” she concedes. “Lot can have the pink doo-hickeys, but I’ll fight her to the death for the replica of Mr. Sexy’s instrument of terror.”

“You wish that was anatomically correct when it comes to Mr. Sexy.” I wink at Everett before wincing at Noah and mouthing a quick I’m sorry.

“You’re right, Lot,” Carlotta says. “I should have figured the only one with blue balls around here is Foxy.”

“And on that note,” I say. “Noah, is there anything else in the bag?”

“Nope,” he says with a sigh. “But I think we’ve certainly added a new dimension to Bella Hall.”

“We sure did,” Carlotta says, flying over and retrieving a slice of pizza before plopping back on the sofa. “We learned she preferred a good self-guided tour before bedtime. No shame in her owning her domain game. Some people prefer the beat of a downstairs DJ.”

“Carlotta.” Everett cringes in disgust.

“What’s the matter, Sexy?” She juts her head his way a notch. “Aren’t I speaking your language?”

Noah snorts. “Everett’s a lawyer. I’m sure he refers to the task as badgering the witness.”

The room explodes with laughter, sans Everett, of course.

“Noah, you’re a cop,” he points out. “Does that mean you call it shaking down a suspect?”

Noah’s lips curl as he looks my way. “I believe I heard someone call it that once upon a time.”


“Let’s talk about Bella Hall,” I suggest—before both pizza and Chinese food go flying, among the fists that are itching to do just that. “Bella was an attorney. Did you know her, Everett?”

“Yeah, Sexy,” Carlotta insists. “Did you ever badger that witness?”

“No and no,” Everett is quick to say. “But I can look up some of the cases she took on.”