“Good idea,” I say. “You never know. Some disgruntled client could have come back to finish her off.”

Everett’s features harden as he looks to the fireplace.

“Everett? Everything okay?” I ask.

“I’m fine, Lemon. I’ll give you a full list of her clients and cases once I dig them up for you.”

Teeny Weenie lets out a sharp yip. “She loathed her time in court. She used to say she much preferred killing people to defending them. Of course, she was killing them in her books. She said something about her track record getting ruined and she didn’t want any part of that circus anymore.”

Can’t say I blame her.

Noah clears his throat. “Need I remind you, I’m the lead homicide detective on this case?”

“I figured you’d be too busy shaking down a suspect to care,” Everett doesn’t miss a beat.

“Speaking of shaking down a suspect,” I say. “Noah, did you get a chance to speak with Crane Mitchel tonight about that concealed weapon she’s hiding literally and figuratively?”

“She handed it over to Ivy before we left,” he says. “One thing is for sure, if that gun turns out to be the murder weapon, I won’t hesitate to make an arrest.”

I nod. “With that arson charge under her belt, and the fact she was irate about not getting into Bella’s place this afternoon herself, it sure makes Crane look pretty guilty about something.”

“Who’s our next suspect, Lot?” Carlotta asks before doing her best to cram the rest of her pizza into her mouth. She’d have better luck shoving her shoe in it. Mangias is notorious for its extra-large slices.

“I’m all out of suspects,” I say. “One looks pretty guilty; the other is dead. I guess if I wanted to completely question my mother’s writing group, I should speak with Danya. And seeing that she’s a good friend of my mother’s, I shouldn’t have any trouble tracking her down.”

“Danya Swanson,” Noah says, zipping the bag o’ naughty secrets back up and taking his gloves off. “Funny thing is, she’s the next person on my list, too.” He heads for the kitchen and washes his hands before picking up a slice of pizza. “Tell me when you track her down.”

“You bet,” I say.

Carlotta shakes her head. “I see what you’re doing, Foxy. You sit back and eat pizza while Lot does all the dirty work.”

“I’ll be honest, she is a lot better at shaking down a suspect than I am.” He shoots the hint of a grin at Everett.

“You’d better head home, Detective,” Everett says, no smile. “There’s about to be another homicide if you stick around too much longer.”

“Don’t worry, I’m almost out of here.” He nods to Everett. “I’ll check out that thing we talked about.”

“What thing?” I ask, and both Noah and Everett exchange a quiet glance.

I get it.

Whatever it is they’re talking about is not for my ears.

I’d push it, but then I’ve got something brewing that’s not quite for their ears either.

Jed Silver is still very much working for me, and I need to know what direction those illegal narcotics are flowing now that Rizzo’s isn’t the hot spot for their deliveries anymore.

Noah and Everett have secrets once again.

They never learn.

And yet again, neither do I.

I’m betting Bella Hall had a secret or two herself.

Here’s hoping Danya Swanson knows a thing or two about them.

Or in the least, she knows a secret or two that can help put Crane Mitchel away for good.