I’d do just about anything to bring both Bella Hall and Marlena Mills a little justice.

A small crowd enters the room, and along with them are Danya Swanson and Crane Mitchel.

Well, well, it looks as if this evening is about to hit a fever pitch.

I can smell justice right within reach.


The Party in Paradise continues to swirl inside my mother’s conservatory as a crowd of well-polished people laugh and dance as if this was the most elegant soiree of the season, and it’s panning out to be just that.

A cast of thousands has shown up for the event. I’m pretty sure we’re breaking the fire code. But, then again, the entire fire department seems to have shown up for the event, so I suppose it doesn’t really matter.

You’d never guess this was a baby shower, although the tower of gifts pressed against the rear wall suggests someone is getting showered with something. However, I doubt those Tiffany blue boxes and bags, and those ultra-lux packages are going to be anything practical a baby can use.

Mom waltzes over to the entry of the room and is the first to greet what’s left of her writing group—Danya and Crane.

I’m about to head that way myself when Charlie bops in front of me.

“I need another participant for one of the games we’ll be playing later, so just say yes.” She blinks a smile at me.

I try to look past her to keep an eye on my key suspect, but Charlie is insistent on staying in my line of vision.

“Yes,” I tell her. “And only because I owe you for everything.” I pull back and look my sweet sister in the eye, and it’s like looking in a mirror. “You missed Evie’s graduation, and it’s all my fault. Everett and I are going to do everything we can to fix this for you.”

“And how is that?” The look on her face lets me know it will take a heck of a lot to convince her.

Charlie has witnessed enough strife and adversity to last a lifetime. And that’s exactly why she’s hardboiled to the core.

“Believe me, we look enough alike,” I say. “I’ll arrange to switch places with you before you ever set foot in prison to do time for me.”

She hikes a brow with amusement. “Well then, I guess I’d better get used to spending my nights cuddling up with Mr. Sexy.”

“Ha-ha. Not funny.”

“No, it’s not. And neither is the fact Max is going to hit one major dry spell. But then, the court may allow conjugal visits.” She lifts her chin as she continues to mock me. “That is, if you’re lucky—and you would be very, very lucky. Max has a champion-level game behind closed doors, and open doors, and the backseat of his—”

I hold up a hand. “I get it. But just for the record, Mr. Sexy’s title is indisputable.”

“Says you.” She laughs at the thought.

“Says the masses,” I correct. “He didn’t get that nickname for nothin’.” I toss my hands in the air. “And why are we arguing over the prowess of our men? I mean it, Charlie, Everett and I are going to make this all go away for you.” Even if I have to go away doing it.

She sighs. “Yeah, well, you’d better act fast. I’ve got a court date set for next Tuesday—not to mention I’m losing business at the Honey Pot that much more with each passing day. Now that word is getting out that I’m a dealer, people are protesting with their dollars. I should probably just give the place back to you and announce it by driving up and down the streets with a bullhorn. I’d hate to see Nell’s place suffer.”

Nell or Grandma Nell is the woman who gave it to me to begin with, along with half of Honey Hollow, when she died. We were so very close.

Of course, for years I only knew her as Keelie’s grandmother. I didn’t realize she was my grandmother, too, until much later.

We were close, Nell and me. She knew all about my transmundane status because she just so happened to share my quirk. And then after she died, I learned about Carlotta. It turns out, Carlotta swore Nell to secrecy about me being her daughter. But Nell was still the best grandmother she could have been to me despite Carlotta’s efforts to keep our familial connection a secret.

“I’m not taking the Honey Pot back,” I tell her. “That restaurant is yours. You’re the master chef around here. You deserve it. Nell wanted to love us both. Carlotta took that away from her—and us. I just know Nell is thrilled that you’re running the Honey Pot. That place was Nell Sawyer’s beating heart, and it’s your beating heart, too. Don’t worry, Charlie. You won’t be up against felony charges for long.”

Come Tuesday, it will be me in that courtroom. There’s no way I’m letting Charlie go down for something I did.

“If you say so.” She shakes her head at the crowd. “I’ll catch you just before we play the game.”

“What kind of game is it?” I ask as she dips into the crowd.