“It’s one you’re familiar with,” she says with a devious laugh.

One I’m familiar with?

I glance up and spot Danya and Crane chatting with a few people. The only game I’m familiar with at this point is catching a killer. And right now, I am in the mood to play.

My feet move in that direction, but a couple of familiar faces get in my way, and I shed a smile at the men before me.

“Forest, Lou,” I greet them. “So glad you could make it. “This is the it event of the year. I’d hate for you to have missed out on the great food.”

They share a quick laugh.

Forest ticks his head to the side. “I’m here because Lainey threatened me.”

“And I’m here for the buffet.” Lou pats his belly.

“Any word on that rash of fires we’ve had?” I ask in an effort to make small talk. “Come to think of it, I guess we haven’t had any since the night of the murder.”

“That’s right,” Lou says. “It’s a bit coincidental, if you ask me.”

Forest shrugs. “One doesn’t necessarily equal the other. And Honey Hollow has certainly seen its share of coincides. But to answer your question, we did have a bit of a break in the case.”

“Really?” I lean in. “What is it?”

Forest shrugs. “Turns out, the fire that happened the night we were at Rizzo’s was due to a timing device. An old windup clock attached to an accelerator.”

“What?” I press a hand to my chest. “You mean someone set a timer for that fire to begin?”

“It looks like it,” Lou says. “Now all we have to do is figure out if the rest of the fires could have been set that way.”

“There’s no way to know,” Forest says. “That evidence has long since been destroyed, but we’ve got guys combing through the affected areas just to be sure.”

“Wow, that’s diabolical to set a fire like that. You never know what they could be capable of next.”

Bombs run through my mind, but I don’t dare say the word.

The last thing I need is to jinx this party with an unexpected explosion. The only thing that should explode in Honey Hollow is the fireworks at next month’s Fourth of July celebration.

“Who do you think would be capable of setting up a timer to go off like that?” I ask, and both men exchange a glance.

“Someone determined,” Forest says.

“Someone intelligent,” Lou adds. “Someone who really knows how to do their research.”

“Research,” I say as I look over at Danya and Crane as they carry on as if they didn’t have a care in the world. “Excuse me,” I say as we part ways.

I’m about to step over to the women, who I can’t seem to take my eyes off of, but decide to be prudent and send a group text to Noah and Everett instead.

Where are you? I shoot send.

Everett answers first. I was on my way then remembered something I left back at the house. I just walked through the door. I’ll be there shortly.

Everett forgot something? Everett never forgets anything.

My phone chirps, and it’s Noah. I’m sitting in my driveway about to leave. Just finished up a conversation with forensics. It turns out, the projectile that killed Marlena was a match to the one that killed Bella. I’m on my way there, Lottie. Do me a favor and don’t move a muscle.

I press my lips tight.

That’s it. That’s the smoking gun so to speak.