“I’m afraid it’s their wedding.” Lottie doesn’t look too thrilled with the idea either. “As in Evie and Conner. Not that he proposed. And personally, I’m shocked his mother would go along with the thought. She hardly approves of them as a couple.”

“She approves of them,” Everett says. “It’s us she doesn’t approve of.”

I flash a quick smile. “That’s because you’re known as the killer couple around town. And they mean it in the literal sense.”

“Big Boss,” a high-pitched wail comes from behind, and I close my eyes because I know what’s coming.

“Speaking of killer couples.” Lottie sighs. “Noah, you need to stomp this out like a kitchen fire before she destroys you completely.”

“Believe me, as soon as she pops out my sweet niece, I’m pulling out the big hose.”

“Hold your hose, Big Boss,” Everett says with that smug look of satisfaction on his face. “Lemon and I needed to wait six weeks before we resumed relations after she gave birth. Give the sheets a chance to cool before you go procreating again.”

I glare at him as Cormack waddles over.

She’s covered in a pink tent, and just when I think she couldn’t get any bigger, her belly has blossomed once again at least twice the size.

I don’t remember Lottie being that big with Lyla Nell.

Exactly how many babies is Cormack set to deliver? An entire litter?

“Great news.” Cormack fans herself with the commencement orientation pamphlet they were giving out at the door and her blonde hair wafts back every other second. “I gave the key to the cabin to the movers this morning and I just got word they’ve transferred all of my things to your place. Now that we’re all settled, our little princess can arrive anytime.”

“What things?” I ask as my anxiety begins to grow. “Whose cabin?”

“Your cabin, silly.” She doubles down on her delirium. “I had them replace the nursery furniture you had for Lyla Bell and put in a crib, dresser, and a rocking chair for the nanny. Oh, and a few other things I’ve ordered.”

I take a step back. “You disassembled Lyla Nell’s nursery?” My heart drops. “I have memories with that furniture. It’s precious to me. I’m keeping it forever.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Cormack takes a moment to fan both Lyla Nell and me. “She doesn’t even live with you. She lives with Lindy and Essex across the street. And speaking of which—Essex, I’ll need to rent a closet or two in your home. Noah’s Daughter, my new couture venture, is having a trunk show at the Party in Paradise this Sunday and I’ll need somewhere to store all of the showpieces I buy for myself.”

“Cormack”—Lottie says her name with an edge to it—“you don’t need to buy any pieces. You own the company. That would be like me buying cakes from my own bakery.”

Cormack lifts her nose at Lottie. “I don’t need business advice from you. I know what I’m doing. Once my friends see me purchasing from my own line, they’ll want to do it, too. I’ll be creating a frenzy.”

Lottie gives Cormack the death stare. “Speaking of murder,” she says. “How’s the case going, Noah? Or cases as it were.”

“I’m planning on going over all the evidence I’ve got thus far,” I tell her.

She nods. “How about we exchange notes later today?”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” I say as a smile floats to my face as it usually does when I’m looking at the love of my life, one of them at least. I sneak a kiss to Lyla Nell’s neck and she explodes with giggles.

“I’d better go check on Lily and Suze,” Lottie says. “I’ll be right back.” She kisses Lyla Nell in the very same spot before taking off and our baby girl giggles twice as loud.

“Oh, my head.” Cormack touches her temples as she sneers at the baby. “All that silly garbling. Make it stop. Can’t you give her to someone else for the afternoon?”

“No chance,” I say. “I’m not letting go of her.”

Cormack’s nostrils flare. “Then I’ll see you later. I need to get my nails done before my extravaganza on Sunday, anyway.”

She takes off and Everett takes a breath. We all seem to breathe a little easier without Cormack around.

“Lyla Nell seems to be Cormack repellent,” I say as I rock the cutie pie in my arms. “Good job, kiddo.”

“Don’t overwork her,” Everett says. “And too bad there doesn’t seem to be a killer repellent. I’m worried Lemon is going to push the boundaries when it comes to catching whoever is responsible for the death of those two women. Speaking of women, any news on Regina Pacheco?”

“You mean the invisible woman?” I tip my head to the side when I say it. “I can’t find anything on her. No social media pages, no property tax records, no public records at all. There are other Regina Pachecos, but they’re not her. I’ll keep digging. In fact, I’ll hit up human resources at the courthouse come Monday so you don’t have to.”