“I appreciate that.”

My phone buzzes.

“It’s Ivy,” I say, holding it up to read the text. “The narcotics division is making some serious headway with their ongoing investigation. We’ve located three participants who were on the receiving end of those drops. They’ve lawyered up, but they’re willing to talk if the price is right.”

“Sounds good,” Everett says. “Grant them immunity and they’ll sing like a bird. At least there’s one investigation in the bag for the department.”

I’m about to agree when I spot my sister waving and shouting at someone, and it’s none other than Jed Silver. Everett and I watch as she runs over to him and hops up on his hips with her legs wrapped around him like a vine.

“This has got to stop,” I say.

“You try to stop it, and she’ll marry the fool.”

I sigh because I have a feeling he’s right.

I may not be able to stop the runaway train that is my sister’s love life, but with a little help from my friends down at the department, I’m about to stop a drug dealer—and perhaps a killer or two.


“And last but not least”— Evie says as she addresses a cast of thousands during her big moment in the sun—“I just want to give a quick shout-out to my family. Without them, I would still be stuck in a boarding school without ever knowing what it means to be truly loved.” The crowd goes wild as Lemon and I tear up for the forty-fifth time. “So, my fellow graduates, even though we’re ready to spread our wings and fly off in different directions, always remember who you are and where you came from. Our destinies are calling. Go out and grab them with both hands. Godspeed.”

Every last person jumps to their feet as we give a hearty applause as the graduates toss up their hats and the sky is quickly cluttered with black confetti.

My daughter, the valedictorian.

Lemon and I couldn’t be prouder.

“She did it,” Lemon sobs as she wraps her arms around me.

“We did it, too,” I say as I land a kiss to her cheek. “You’re a great mother, Lemon.”

“You’re a great father.” She smiles through tears. “I’ll go and help Suze and Lily at the refreshment table for a bit, and then we’ll take a million pictures with Evie before we leave.” She lands a kiss to my lips. “And don’t think just because we’re not going to have a party tonight that we can’t have a little private party ourselves.” She licks the rim of her lips. “It’s about time we start acting out some of those diagrams my mother has sent us.” She quickly grimaces at the thought. “And just like that, I have the urge to curl up in my PJs instead.”

“How about we make up our own moves?”

“You’re on, Judge Baxter.” She waggles her brows. “I have a feeling you’ve got a few more tricks up your naughty sleeve.”

“More than a few,” I say as she laughs and takes off.

“You’ve been holding out on me,” she calls out as she disappears into the swell of humanity.

Noah and Lyla Nell are on her tail, and most everyone else is migrating in that direction as well. I can’t blame them. That’s where the free cookies are.

I spot my mother and sister stretching their limbs at the end of the aisle and head over. I don’t get two steps before someone slams into my chest and their lips bump into mine.

“Geez,” I say, pulling back, only to find a familiar face at the other end of the kissing debacle. “Regina.”

“Judge Baxter?” The woman laughs. Her hair is spun into a bun and she’s dressed in a red pantsuit, holding a pamphlet from the event in her hand. “We have to stop meeting this way.” She laughs again while swiping her thumb over my lip and I turn my head to stop her. “I’m sorry. I just got a little lipstick on you. I bet you’re used to that. But I’d hate for your wife to get suspicious.” She winks as she says it.

“She won’t,” I growl while wiping down my mouth with the back of my hand. “There’s no reason to. I’m a loyal husband. I don’t stray.”

I want to add if you’re looking for a good time, look elsewhere, but I don’t want to spook her just yet. Something deeper is going on here. I get the feeling a good time isn’t the only thing on the list.

“Oh, I would never think you had it in you to stray.” She bites down on her lip, and it doesn’t take a genius to know she’s trying to seduce me even now. “Your daughter gave quite the speech. You must be so proud.”

“I am,” I growl the words out once again.

I don’t like her having so much access to my family.