Page 13 of Presents and Praise

“And so much more. When I said I wanted you to see yourself the way I do, I don’t know how to convince you that you’re my everything. You’re the reason I never quit using Axe body wash.”

She chuckles. “I’m the reason?”

“You came in one time after I’d just put it on and said that it smelled really good.”

“I remember that day. You told me to go away.”

“I felt so guilty.”

“Because I was too young?”

“I was already fighting my attraction to you. I’d tried to keep you at a distance but my heart was wrapped around your little finger.”

“Wait. You kept wearing Axe because I liked it?”

“I knew that one day I was going to hold you in my arms, and when I did, I wanted us both to be able to remember that this isn’t new. We may be trying something new. We may be in uncharted territory. But the feelings we’ve had for each other aren’t new. Let me make love to you.”



Makelove?That’s not how porn videos work out. Why did he have to say it like that?

Ford’s heartbeat thumps from his chest to mine. He’s not wrong about the feelings, they’ve been there forever.

The scent of the body wash that he wears for me, keeps a whirlwind of emotions whipping around my chest. The fun and games of playing out stepbrother porn is replaced by something intense. His talk of relationships and dreams and futures… am I so used to being overlooked that I can’t accept the clear meaning of his words.

All of the old sibling nonsense is gone. The sincerity in his words and James’s under the mistletoe make me want to give in. That’s where it gets too crazy. They’re acting like we canallbe together.

My eyes can’t focus. The room sways.

“I can’t breathe.”

He leans away, gripping me with both hands—one messier than the other. That makes the room sway more. We just gave each other orgasms, and before that, he and Heath watched while James ate me out.

I must be dreaming.

“Are you okay? Do you need to lie down?”

“I need to step outside.”

Sliding from between Ford and the door, I hope the cool evening air will wake me up. Isn’t that silly. Why wake up from a dream this incredible?

He catches my arm. “Your pants.”

Glancing down, my need for air supersedes my need to cover up. It’s nighttime and my balcony has a privacy wall anyway. Not that I’ve ever used it for privacy. Tonight’s going to be the first time for a lot of things.

Relieved that I don’t have to pass through the living room to get outside, I soak in the crisp air and the moonlight glinting off snowflakes. The peace and serenity of the night help take my nerves down a notch. A trail of steam from the train in the distance gives me something to focus on.

I never gave myself a real chance of getting all three guys. It’s a lot to take in, but I’ve never felt so loved. That’s the scary part. In my fantasies and on the porn, that heavy love vibe stays out of the way.

Hearing it come from Ford’s mouth only amplified the awkwardness. Can we make this work?



I’mofficiallytheonlybrother who hasn’t given Maggie an orgasm—if I can trust what I heard coming from Maggie and Ford. Jesus, that woman gets into it.