Page 14 of Presents and Praise

I stare at the multi-colored, great-at-hiding-stains, low-pile carpet. “Do you think he fucked her?”

James assesses the situation. “They were bumping the door, but not hard enough to be a good fuck. I’m pretty sure Ford would have plowed that door down.”

I huff at the visual, but my balls tighten at the possibility that I can be her first. “Do you think she didn’t want to, or they’re just gearing up?”

The bedroom door opens, and in a flash, a pants-free Maggie steps into the transitional entry area then fumbles with the front door lock before flinging it open, and disappearing into the darkness.

Without a word, she pulls the door shut.

Ford’s slower, and I’m already across the room, grabbing the door knob, as he steps into the entry.

“Is she okay?” I ask, glancing through the peep hole. She seems fine. She’s standing on her balcony, which has a solid enclosure about four-feet high. Nice for privacy while leaving an open feel.

“Yeah. She’s incredible.” He rubs his lips and the deep inhale gives me a hint that he’s breathing in her scent. Lucky bastard. He better not have fucked this up for me.

“I mean, why did she go outside?”

“Oh, she needed some air.” His grin is a clear boast.

“And couldn’t stop to put pants on first?”

“NowthatI can’t explain.“ Ford steps back into her bedroom, grabs her clothes, then hands them to me when I make no concession of giving him access to the door handle.

“Give me a minute with her.”

My brothers agree. They can commiserate over how incredible it is to give her orgasms, something I’m desperately in need of doing.

Joining her on the porch, I make note of her fuzzy socks keeping her feet warm, then step behind her, looping my arm around her to offer the sweats. “Want me to keep you warm, or would you rather stick these on?”

Her giggle sets a relaxed tone. Thank god.

“You’re not going to try to talk me into going inside so you can try to top your brothers?” She wiggles her ass into me. That’s an even better tone.

My cock’s hard as steel, ready for me to join her in being naked from the waist down, socks excluded. The light scent of flowers in her hair, like freshness and springtime, is a stark contrast to the thin layer of snow collecting on the ground.

She lets the gently falling snow collect on her palms—something I’ve seen her do a million times. How can that make me want her even more?

“Why bother going inside when we have such a beautiful view? And even though your ass is incredible, that’s not what I’m talking about.”

She angles her head to the side. “What are you proposing?”

Stroking my free hand down her arm, I lean in to kiss her forehead. How did our nerdy little stepsister become so adventurous? And how did no guy her age not tap into this side of her?

“I’m proposing to do anything you want.”


“If it makes you happy, I’ll do it.”

“That’s a dangerous claim.”

“Try me.” My brothers and I got into a few Truth or Dare games that posed some pretty messed up challenges, like running down the middle of the street naked, but I doubt Maggie’s interested in pushing that type of limit.

“Would you get naked out here?”

Don’t have to ask me twice. I step backward and strip my pants and underwear. Maggie’s hands fly over her mouth.

I shrug it off. “You asked.”