Page 64 of Mountain Grump

“Right. So, I can’t ask her if the results are positive?”

She isn’t serious. “You’re kidding, right?” I can’t take my daughter’s sense of humor right now. The thought that another man touched Cali, fucked her, makes my stomach churn. No man should be anywhere near her.

“Got it. That topic is off-limits. By the way, I’m glad Cali is back, even if you’re still an old grump!” She grabs Izzie’s arm and drags her friend out of my office. I’m relieved when I’m alone and don’t have to deal with the two teens. Although I do take Julianna’s earlier suggestion seriously.

While she wants an arcade, I’m not interested in policing dozens of teens. I am, however, willing to splurge and create a private game room for Julianna and her friends. But I don’t intend on telling her until the place is ready, and I can surprise her with it.

I finish up for the night, close up my office and head to the lodge to check on staff and our guests. I could go upstairs and relax in front of the television, but I can’t sit still.

Not with the news that Cali might be pregnant.

I haven’t exactly been easy on her since she moved here, but she hasn’t been back in Breckenridge long enough to get knocked up and pregnant. At least not to the point that the pregnancy would give a positive result.

What does that mean for me?

If she’s pregnant, then it has to be with someone in Los Angeles. Will she plan on leaving the first opportunity she gets?

I grab my phone and dial Levi. This isn’t something I can talk to Wyatt about. He’d be over the moon, probably tell me that I should step up and help her out. No thanks. The two of us can barely be in the same room together.

“This better be good,” Levi answers.

“Julianna caught Cali buying a pregnancy test.” Is that good enough for him to pull him away from his perfect life for five minutes?

“Aww shit. Hold on a sec.” He covers the phone, probably tells Clare that he has to take this call. There’s rustling and movement and then silence on the other end. “I’m back. Are you sure the test is for herself?”

“Cali doesn’t exactly have many friends in Breckenridge,” I say. She hasn’t been here long enough to make friends, at least, as far as I’ve noticed.

“So, it’s some guy from back home.”

“Probably,” I mutter, and slink into a comfy chair in the lodge. The place is pretty sparse, and while there are a few guests at a table, I’m far enough away that no one hears my conversation.

I should retreat to my office, but I don’t want to feel so confined right now. That room is suffocating after the kind of bombshell my daughter dropped. But thankfully, it’s not Julianna who’s pregnant. I couldn’t handle that kind of news.

This doesn’t affect me. Other than I might lose a decent employee. Not that I’ve been particularly nice or easy on her. She has no reason to stay in town, and while the job pays well, I’m sure whoever the father is will step up and take care of her and the child.

She’ll probably never have to work another day in her life.

“Didn’t you sleep with her?” Levi asks.

“That was ages ago,” I say.

“Right.” Levi doesn’t push the suggestion, and I’m glad, because there’s no way it’s my kid. I used a condom, and it was weeks ago. Like long enough that she should have noticed already. I run a hand through my hair, those thoughts making me uncomfortable.

“What’s the problem?” Levi asks. “Are you worried she’s going to bail on the new gig? We can find someone else. I know you liked her work, but there are other talented creators out there.”

“I can’t believe she slept with someone else,” I growl. My fingers dig into the armrest, scratching the leather.

“You two seemed pretty broken up to me, when I met her.”

“Not helping,” I grumble at him.

“Didn’t you tell me that you blocked her number, and the letter she sent, you had returned without opening the envelope?”

Why does he have to remember every little detail? “That’s beside the point.”

“Is it?” Levi asks. “Because what were you expecting from her? If she was going to apologize, she’d have called you, texted, or sent you a letter via post. All of which you declined.”

“She could have flown here to see me and explain things.” I exhale a heavy breath and lean forward. I need to keep my shit together, or people are going to start looking at me and wondering what the hell is wrong.