Page 63 of Mountain Grump

Talk about confusing.

After twenty minutes of driving out of town away from the lodge, we pull up to the shopping district. There are a bunch of small retail shops, a drug store, and a grocery store.

I head to the drug store and stalk inside, grabbing the first one on the shelf that promises to be the most accurate, and take it up to the cashier.

As she’s ringing up my order, Julianna and her friend step up in line behind me with a handful of sugary sweets, chocolate, and glass bottles of flavored soda.

“Hi, Jules,” I say, hoping the cashier can shove the pregnancy test into the bag before the teen notices what I’m buying. “I’m sorry about—”

She cuts me off before I can continue.

“Don’t worry about it,” she says casually. Her eyes land on the counter, and she raises a curious eye. “You’ve been busy.”

I open my mouth to snap at her not to judge me and that this could very well be her half-sibling when the clerk tells me the total and asks how I’ll be paying for it today.

I grab my credit card from my purse and tap the card reader, wanting the nightmare to be over.

Except this is only the beginning.

And while I haven’t taken the test yet, I’m never late. I’m always on time and the fluttery feeling in my stomach and the nausea that’s been hitting me every morning isn’t only because I have to face Logan every day.

I already know the results and I haven’t even peed on the stick yet.



Julianna comes runninginto my office with Izzie on her heels. They shut the door, indicating that they want privacy with me. “Is everything okay?” I ask.

Izzie stares at Julianna, waiting for her to speak.

My daughter has a reusable shopping bag slung over her shoulder.

“Did something happen at the store?” I ask. I can’t help but worry, and my hands tighten into fists as I stand.

“Yes, but Izzie and I are fine,” Julianna quickly says, dismissing my concern. “It’s Cali.”

“What about Cali?” I’m not sure I want to know, but if something happened to her, she’s my best talent around here. Not that I’m willing to admit that aloud.

“We caught her buying a pregnancy test at the drug store,” Julianna says.

“You did?” I shouldn’t care. It doesn’t matter. Cali and I haven’t been together since before Christmas. My eyes widen and I exhale a heavy breath. “Did she say anything?” I ask.

Who the hell is she dating?

Or is it some random guy she slept with?

I wince. Is that what I am to her? Just another random guy in her long string of men whom she likes to toy with and use?

“Not a word. It was pretty obvious she was embarrassed, though. And I mean, Dad, you totally sell those tests in the gift store behind the clerk. She didn’t have to go all the way into town.”

Unless she didn’t want anyone she works with to know she’s pregnant.

“Listen, whatever is going on with Cali, that’s her business. We don’t discuss it. Okay?”

“You mean we don’t discuss it in front of her,” Julianna says. “Right?”

“No, we don’t discuss it at all,” I clarify. Why does my daughter think it’s okay to be talking about Cali and whether or not she’s pregnant? “She’s my employee. Any further conversation would be highly inappropriate.”