Page 151 of Chasing Hadley

She cracks a tiny smile. “Okay.”

“I can drag the desk over for you,” Jaxon offers, jumping to his feet.

“Well, look at that, a Porterson who has gentleman skills.” I teasingly smile at Jaxon.

Jaxon starts to smile when his gaze strays to something beside me.

I start to turn around when I hear, “So you’re saying I’m not a gentleman?”

I tilt my head up and meet Blaise’s amused gaze.

He looks good today; his blond hair is hanging in his eyes, a chain dangles from his black jeans, and leather bands ornament his wrists.

“Are you saying you are a gentleman?” I quip with a cock of my brow.

The corners of his lips kick up into a half-smile. “Deep down, I think you know I am.”

I roll my eyes. “Deep down, I think you probably think you’re a gentleman, but since I’ve yet to see any of these alleged gentleman skills, I’m going to doubt they exist for now.”

He narrows his eyes, but it’s a playful move. “All right, fine. I guess I’ll have to prove my case then.”

“And how exactly does one prove they’re a gentleman?” I ask, crossing my arms on top of my desk.

He winks at me then sets his notebook down on Jaxon’s desk. “Guess you’ll just have to wait and find out.”

I shake my head. “I don’t like surprises, dude.”

He grins at me as he drags another desk over and pushes it against mine. Then he plops down in the seat and opens his notebook while Ava tentatively sits down at the desk Jaxon pushed over for her.

“So, what’re we doing?” Blaise asks. He glances up at us, his gaze bouncing between Jaxon and me.

Jaxon and I trade a look then Jaxon shrugs.

“I wasn’t paying attention either,” he tells me as he takes a seat.

“Why not?” Blaise asks him.

Jaxon lifts a shoulder while fiddling with the leather band around his wrist. “I had some stuff on my mind. And then Hadley and I were talking …”

Blaise’s brows rise to his hairline as he glances at me. “You were talking to Jaxon?”

“Yeah. So?” Question marks flood my mind. “What’s the big deal? Am I not supposed to?”

He slowly shakes his head, a crinkle forming at his brow. “No, you can. It’s just …” He looks at Jaxon and lifts his brow.

The two of them trade a silent look that goes on long enough to make the situation super uncomfortable. Well, at least for Ava. My sisters and I have shared similar looks, so I can relate. Ava, however, looks very uneasy, staring down at her desk like she wants to be anywhere but here.

I pat my desk. “Yo, dudes, can you cut the silent, creepy looks out for a bit so we can get on with this shindig of a project that no one seems to know anything about?”

Blaise slides his gaze to mine, his lips quirking. “You’re such a little weirdo.”

“Hey, I’m not the one exchanging the creepy, silent look,” I point out.

“That still doesn’t mean you’re not a weirdo,” he retorts with a grin.

“You know, I’d take that remark as an insult, except you’ve said it enough times that it’s lost its dramatic effect,” I quip with a cheeky grin. “Plus, I know I’m weird and it doesn’t bother me.”

When he mirrors my smile, my heart does that fluttery thing it sometimes does around him. You know, the one that makes me want to kick my own ass.