Page 150 of Chasing Hadley

“Hey, baby Porterson,” I say in a light tone. “You want to pair up with the social outcast or what?”

He glances up at me, a drop of amusement twinkling in his eyes. “You know I’m barely younger than my brothers, right?”

“Yeah, but you’re still the youngest, which makes you the baby,” I tease with a smile. “So, what do you say? Wanna be partners on this ever so awesome assignment?” That I know nothing about, but I’m going to pretend I’m totally on top of things.

He offers me a small smile. “I guess so. I’ve been meaning to do some charity work lately anyway.”

A grin spreads across my face. “Wow, snarky sarcasm. I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Why not?” he questions as he stands up and starts pushing his desk toward mine. “My brothers are smartasses. And you’ve hung around them enough to know that, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that I am, too.”

“Yeah, but you’ve barely said anything to me, so I thought maybe you were the sweet, shy one.”

He chuckles as he sits back down in his seat. “I guess, compared to my brothers, I might be. But I’m not that sweet. And I’m not shy. Just quiet.”

“I guess I can kind of see that. My sister, Londyn, is like that, too.”

“She does seem that way,” he says as he opens his notebook. “I mean, I haven’t really talked to her, except for that one time that Rhyland and I gave her and your other sisters a ride to school, but she seemed like the quietest one out of you all.”

“Wow, I think that’s the most sentences I’ve ever heard you say in a row.” I flash him a grin so he’ll know I’m playing around.

He starts to smile, his lips parting. “I—”

“Here’s an idea.” The teacher appears by our desk with a stack of papers in his hands. “How about you start using your talking skills to discuss the project.”

“Sorry, Mr. G.,” Jaxon apologizes with a small smile.

Mr. G.’s hard expression softens. “It’s fine. Just try to focus on the assignment, okay?” He sets a packet down on each of our desks. “And you guys should find at least one more person to be in your group.” He points over his shoulder at a girl with dark hair, glasses, and freckles standing at the front of the classroom, nervously looking around. “Ava doesn’t have a group. Do you guys mind if she joins yours?”

Jaxon and I both trade a look, and then I shrug.

“Sure,” I say with a smile, hoping to win the teacher over like Jaxon clearly has.

“Good.” He turns and gestures for Ava to come over.

She shuffles toward us with her head tucked down, her hair curtaining her face.

“Ava, you can join Jaxon and Hadley’s group,” Mr. G. tells her when she reaches us.

Ava nervously nods. “Okay.”

Poor thing. I can practically feel her jittery nerves shaking through the air.

“Now that that’s settled, let me go see if I can find a group for Gage.” Mr. G starts to walk away, but then he pauses and looks at Jaxon. “Is Blaise here today?”

“He had an appointment this morning, so he’ll be a bit late,” Jaxon replies. “But I think he should be here soon.”

Mr. G. glances at the clock then back at Jaxon. “I’m assuming he’ll probably want to work in your group.” When Jaxon nods, Mr. G. sets another packet down on Jaxon’s desk. “All right, I’ll write down that he’s in your group. Here’s his packet.” With that, he walks off.

I arch my brow at Jaxon. “Appointment, huh?”

He shrugs, his gaze flitting toward Ava. Then he looks at me. “A doctor’s appointment.”

He’s lying, but I let it slide, figuring it’s none of my business. Then I stick my hand out in Ava’s direction, figuring I might as well break the ice and attempt to make her comfortable, at least enough that she’ll sit down. “Hey, I’m Hadley. It’s nice to meet you.”

She offers me a shy smile and shakes my hand. “I’m Ava.” She shifts her weight, giving a nervous glance at Jaxon before quickly looking back at me. “Thanks for letting me be in your group.”

“No problem.” I pull my hand away then point at an empty desk. “Why don’t you drag that thing over here so we can get started on this awesome project that I literally have no clue what it’s about since I wasn’t paying attention?”