Then he jerked up his head with a rumbling snarl and essentially dragged her off the rocks and up toward their inadequate shelter. Strong as he was, he couldn’t carry a woman of her size. But he was supporting a startling amount of her weight without visible strain, and there was zero chance he was letting her fall. None.
Near the rock wall they’d built, he lowered her onto the grass, the firm press of his palm on her shoulder a mute order tostay. Still stunned and numb, she did, unable to look away from that giant, capable body silhouetted against the falling light, the play of shadows over his grim face, the stalking grace of his every stride.
The fire had turned to embers. Without a word, he added driedgrasses, followed by splintered chunks of their knarr that had washed ashore—eventually, Cyprian and Cassia would discover the wonders of peat, but not yet—until the leaping flames began to thaw her frozen feet.
Then, after one final, lingering look at her, sitting sprawled and speechless before the fire he’d rebuilt, he turned and prowled toward the shore once more.
At long last, Ramón shouted, “Cut!”
“I’m almost certain that’s the one we’ll use,” Nava said as she approached Maria. “Good job almost taking a header onto various sharp rocks, Ivarsson.”
Even amid her confusion, Maria had to laugh.
“She’s nothing if not committed, Nava.” Grinning, the director high-fived Maria. “Great work, everyone! We’re done for the day.”
It took a long, long time before Peter returned from the water and rejoined the group. For the rest of that night, he avoided her again. Sat as far away from her as possible at dinner.
He didn’t speak to her. He didn’t even glance her way. And if she claimed not to know why, she’d be lying.
What lay between them—the undeniable chemistry, the brief but fraught history—was... inconvenient. Much as it might sting, maybe avoidance truly was the smartest path forward.
Still, the next morning, when he talked to her again, the relief almost brought her to her knees.
Gods of the GatesCast Chat: Sunday Night
Summer:Maria and Peter, welcome to the chat! You probably already know this, but I play Lavinia. I’m so glad you’re part of our Gates cast now. ?
Mackenzie:Yes! Whiskers is so excited!
Mackenzie:I knew that even before he said so, because he cleaned himself with unusual vigor after we got the email
Mackenzie:Just went to town down there
Mackenzie:Didn’t you, Whiskers, didn’t you
Mackenzie:Oh, and I play Venus!
Ian:Oh Christ, more costars, just what we needed
Ian:Some episodes, Jupiter’s barely on-screen as it is, which is a travesty
Ian:I’m Jupiter, obviously, king of the gods
Alex:No, you PLAY Jupiter, which is NOT the same thing
Alex:And don’t be a dick to our new castmates or I’ll find your main tuna stash and donate it to local sushi places