Page 8 of The Dealer


He follows me down the hall to my room. Once we’re inside, he shuts the door behind us. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, now. Just decompressing.”

He stuffs his hand in his pocket and pulls out a small box. “You need to keep these charged.”

I grab the box, my eyes widening when I realize they’re a new pair of headphones. Ultimate Ears. “Becker…” I say, handing him the box. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s nothing. You need them to sleep tonight.”

“Yes, but the other ones are charging now. I can’t take these.”

“Why not? They’re a gift, Nora.”

“They’re UEs. You spent at least a grand on these. That’s not a gift. That’s my rent for the month, Becker.”

“I make a thousand dollars every thirty minutes. You can take the headphones and enjoy it.” He opens the box and pulls out the headphones. “Now, we can get you some custom ones too, apparently. I just got these, so you’d have a pair tonight. I’ll take you this weekend to get some custom ones.”

Becker swipes my phone from the nightstand and sets up the Bluetooth.

“How did you unlock my phone?” I ask.

He glances up and smirks at me. “I watched you type it in the other night.” Once they're hooked up, he places the earbuds in my ears. “Sit on your bed and try them out.”

His arms squeeze my shoulders, and he guides me to the bed, handing me my phone. After a minute of messing with the settings, I get them onto the noise canceling option and play some white noise. “Say something,” I say, and I’m sure I’m screaming.

Becker’s mouth moves but I’m not sure what he says.

“I can’t hear you,” I say.

His nose crinkles in an adorable way, and he takes my phone from me. He switches the setting to transparency. Pushing me onto my back he says. “I can’t wait to fuck you with these in.”

I swallow, opening my legs in response to his words. He climbs on top of me.

“After we get the contract signed, that is. No scene play until then.” His lips are on my neck. “Have you used them during sex?”

“No,” I rasp. My hands wrap around his neck. “If I can’t hear you, how will I know that I’m allowed to come?”

“I’m sure we can come up with a way.” He kisses me on the lips. “You like asking for permission.”

I nod. “I like saying thanks, too.” I lift my knee and place it at his groin. “Let me say thank you for my gift properly.”

“Don’t distract me.” His hand rests on my knee and he pushes my leg away from his growing hard-on. “I came here to give you the headphones and off to read the contract over for you.”

“We should probably get that over with before we wind up having sex without any boundaries,” I say.

He laughs, placing a sloppy kiss on my shoulder.

“I reviewed your checklist already. The one that came in the email when we matched. Did you review mine?” I ask. I’m surprisingly calm. Having him lay on me is like having a weighted blanket that comes heated. It’s everything I didn’t know I needed to keep my headspace clear.

He nods. “Yeah. I put our safe words and everything in there.”

“I’ll bet it was easy, considering we had the same.” We’d both agreed that using the color system was the easiest. Green is good, yellow means approaching a stop, and red means stop. When you’re in a heated moment, it’s easy to remember. I’d know since I had to use the color red with a Dom before.

“One of your soft limits was anal,” he says. “Have you tried it before?”

And one of his absolutely loves was anal. I blush, a bit sad at the possibility of upsetting him with that realization. “Once. I didn’t like it. But I’d be willing to try again later in our relationship once we’ve established more trust with each other.”