Page 7 of The Dealer


Myphonedingsatthe exact time the first crack of thunder sounds through the apartment. I jump, spilling the hot tea I’m carrying down my shirt. “Fuck!” I gasp. I set the mug on the nightstand. Ripping my shirt off, I bunch it up to use it to wipe my chest.

Another crack of thunder sends a shrill screen through my body. My teeth grind. I grab my noise-canceling headphones to pop them in so that I can crawl under my blanket and burrow into myself until the storm is over. I grab my phone and let out a groan when the telltale sound of my dead earbuds sounds.

“No,” I groan. I forgot to charge them after I used them to fall asleep last night.

My phone dings again. I check it, seeing I have a new email and a message from Becker. I read the email first.


Here’s the form for you to fill out and a loose contract. Look over everything, and we can discuss more when we meet for coffee tomorrow. If you have questions, you can email me or text me. I’ll be home around eight this evening if you want to call me then.


I close out without checking the attachments. Without my headphones, I won’t be able to concentrate, anyway. I read his text next.

Becker:Just sent over the contract. Nothing is set in stone. We can tweak it. Let me know when you’ve read it over.

Nora:I opened it. I’ll read it tomorrow before we meet.

Becker:Not this evening? It’s a lot to read through before tomorrow morning, kitten.

Nora:I can’t concentrate with this storm going on right now. I just spilled my hot tea. Down my chest.

Becker:Oh no. Do you have your headphones in?

Nora:No juice.I forgot to charge them this morning.

Becker:*angry emoji* You need a backup pair.

Nora:I had some, but they kicked the bucket a couple of months ago. It’s no big deal.

Becker:Try to get some sleep.


Another sound of thunder. I grab my pillow and squeeze it to my chest. Burying myself under the comforter, I close my eyes and try to drown out the sounds.

Becker:That’s me knocking. Can you let me in?


I climb out of bed, twenty minutes after our initial conversation. I never put a shirt on, so I grab the robe hanging by my bedroom door. Heading down the hall, I kick a pair of sneakers left out by one of my roommates so that I don’t trip on them on the way back.

I’m not about to complain that Becker stopped by unannounced, but it’s the first time I’ve seen him since our night at the club on Thursday. It’s Monday now, and though we’ve texted or spoken on the phone every evening since, I’m not exactly comfortable with him showing up unannounced when I’m half-naked with no makeup on. A meetup, or hook-up, and some text chains doesn’t mean I know the man.

I open the door to Becker standing in the hallway. He’s across the hall, leaning against the wall. One leg crossed over the other, glancing at his cellphone. It’s all relaxed and easy. Like he’s not even trying to be sexy, it just comes naturally to him.

He’s wearing a gray slim-fit suit with a white dress shirt and gray tie. Becker looks up from his phone and flashes me a panty-melting smile. “Hey,” he says. He pushes off the wall and strides over to me. His head dips down and his lips are on my forehead in a sweet kiss.

“Hey yourself.” I step aside, letting him into my apartment. When he’s inside, I shut and lock the door.

His eyes take in the apartment. The living room is small, the kitchen even smaller, with just enough space for appliances. The dining table is situated in a small area and covered in mail and other items from Lyla and Amanda.

“It’s a little messy. My roommates don’t really get that we share the living room.”

Becker nods, turning to me. “Want to show me your room?”