Page 65 of Grey

Another month had passedand he hadn’t responded…



Then another…



And another…



“Hey, Livvie! How’s my baby?”My mother’s voice shrilled the second I said “hello”.

I had been reading when she called so I had to place it to the side and focus on her call. Hearing from her always made me feel homesick, and the urge to ask how Greyson was doing was on the tip of my tongue.

“I’m good, Mom. What’s up?”

“Busy for this weekend. There’s so much going on. How’s school, hun? Are you back with Liam yet?”

She never failed to ask about Liam. I think she liked him a lot, too.

“Liam and I—well, we’re just friends for now.” Just as well, I wasn’t ready for anything else. “What’s happening this weekend?” I absentmindedly asked.

She paused, hesitating. When she spoke, the strain in her voice was palpable. “You know…things.”

“What things?”

She sighed into the phone. “I promised not to tell you, he said you weren’t involved,” she whispered as if it was a damn top secret.

My heart was beating rapidly, I felt faint with it. “How am I not involved? I don’t understand—”

“Sweetie…” she cooed, but I wasn’t having it. I needed to know.Now.

“Mom, please—what is it? You can’t bring this up now and not tell me,” I begged, sounding like a petulant kid, but I knew it was the only way to break through to her.

My mom took promises to heart. Seriously.

“I don’t know…” she trailed off, but it was obvious that she was thinking about it.


“You didn’t hear this from me, okay?” She sounded stern.

I nodded. “Okay.”

“Greyson’s getting married this weekend—well, in three days time.”

Huh? Did I hear that right?He’d just graduated from high school, enjoying his summer months before college in UCLA. What was my mom yapping about?

“I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me.”