Page 66 of Grey

I swallowed the house-sized lump in my throat. “To who?”

She paused before shattering my life into pieces. “To Edith.”

“What!Why the FUCK would he fucking marry her?” The words came out in a rush. The shock was numbing me, but the poisoning pain that was spreading all over my body made me feel ill at the same time.

Greyson wasn’t in love with her. In fact, he’d told me that he loved me less than six months ago. A guy can’t fall in love that quickly, could he? I doubted it.

“I don’t know,” she murmured, as if wondering that very same question herself. “All I know is that it’s happening—it came out of the blue, surprising both Brett and me, but Greyson’s not joking about this.”

All I know is that it’s happening.In three fucking days. And I just found out…

“Who made you promise not to tell me?Edith?” That bitch!!!


Tears pooled in my eyes. I was so livid and hysterical that my hand could barely grasp the phone in my hand because I was shaking so badly.

“I have to go—” I hung up the phone before curling up into a ball, crying like I had lost someone significant in my life.

Was that why he’d wanted me to forget him? So he could punish me in the cruelest way by marrying my archenemy? How the hell did I get over him when he was making a joke of everything that had ever happened to us?

No… Grey said he loved me…

When he’d said those words to me, I had known he meant them with his whole heart. Besides, he was too young to marry anyone; let alone marry a dirtbag like Edith.

I was going to get to the bottom of this, I decided without fear. Either way, seeing him get married would be a great way to kill all of my feelings for him.

That would put the nail in the coffin. Maybe only then, I could bury the past.

* * *

Bless my dad. When I broke down in front of him, explaining my heart troubles, the guy didn’t even bat an eyelash. He simply came and hugged me, whispering “Go get him back.”

With travel time and the time difference to take into account, I would arrive there the afternoon before the wedding. There was going to be a rehearsal dinner. I wondered what Grey and Edith would say if they saw me crashing their party.

Whatever. I was going to, whether they protested or not. Bitch mode was on and no one was going to mess with me.

The long flight got me agitated. Question after question swirled in my brain. For the entire duration, I pondered what might’ve happened between Grey and Edith because for them to come up with the stupidest plan to get married was beyond me.

I basically booked the next flight out, draining most of my savings, however it was an emergency. Drastic measures, big time.

Mom had no idea that I was coming—well, here’s hoping that Dad hadn’t warned her of my arrival. I forgot to ask him about that. I was so all over the place that I had barely thought straight.

The moment I landed in LAX, I went straight to the taxi line and hopped into one, not wasting any precious time to get to the Edwards’ home.

The adrenaline rushing through me was making me feel like I was on drugs. I was on my toes; ready to bounce off the second the cab stopped.

Paying the driver, I almost did just that, but I had to stop to fish out my keys to enter the house. There were no cars in the driveway, but I was assuming they were parked in the garage. Opening the main house door, I let myself inside, getting the sinking feeling that no one was home.

“Mom?” I strolled towards the foyer, past the living room then to the kitchen.“Brett?”

I strode into the kitchen and was surprised to find that the French doors had been opened.Are they having a garden party?I thought as I slowly walked towards it, ready for the big surprise, but I was shocked to see Greyson standing over the pool area, looking down on the cool blue water, deep in thought.

My throat ran dry. I wanted to call out to him, yet I didn’t have the energy to. My system was possessed with fear and deep yearning after not seeing him for months. He lookedgood; way too good.


His hair fell a little longer than his usual cut, giving his bad boy attitude and looks, another sexy edge.