Page 6 of Reckless Desire

“Thanks, but we already have a room,” Avery said. “We just got into town yesterday. Tomorrow we will look for an apartment or something cheaper to stay in,” she said sheepishly.

I knew it was tough for Avery to admit that we couldn’t afford much. Both of us had grown up in middle-class houses and now we were willingly living like we had nothing. Well, I had nothing but Avery was choosing to for me.

Rubbing his hand along his jaw, Jim looked like he was struggling with something. Letting out a long sigh, he turned to both of us. “I can’t have you two living in some rat-infested apartment on the outskirts of town. I tell you what, you two can stay in one of the rooms here for free if you promise to work extra shifts and be on call whenever I need you,” Jim offered.

I wanted to throw my arms around his chubby neck and kiss his stubble cheek. This man just gave us a wonderful gift. Without having to pay rent, I could save more money to pay for my school and get myself one step closer to my dream. I knew I wasn’t about to embark on a journey of self-discovery at an elite school. No, the school I was about to attend was a nine-month technical school, but it would still help me gain the knowledge I needed to use my talent to launch a career for myself.

“Thank you so much, Jim,” I beamed, as I fought the urge to jump into his arms.

“No problem. But, let’s just keep this our little secret. We don’t want to make the other employees jealous,” he chuckled to himself. “I have enough of my staff pissed off at me daily. I don’t need to give them any more ammunition,” he finished with a grunt.

“Don’t worry, Jim. This will be our little secret,” Avery flirted, as she patted his arm.

I should have been grossed out, but anything to help us out at this point helped. Flirt on Avery!

“Thank you so much. Really, you are saving us,” I thanked him again.

Just then, hot and sexy guy swung open the employee’s only door and began strutting toward us. Seeing him, Jim rolled his eyes. “Excuse me ladies, one of my employees needs me. Watch out for this one,” Jim said, pointing at the hot and sexy guy. “Chase has a hot temper and is always pissed off,” he finished.

“I noticed,” I said, as the words accidentally slipped past my lips.

Chuckling, Jim only shook his head. “Oh, did you see our little argument earlier?” he teased.

“Yes. I apologize for snooping, but it was pretty loud and dramatic,” I said, as I hung my head. I hated that I had just admitted to watching my new boss fight with an employee.

“Don’t worry about it. I should probably have fired Chase years ago, but he is good at what he does,” Jim stated.

“What does he do other than look pissed off?” Avery asked.

“I like you, kid,” Jim laughed, as he noticed Avery’s question. “Spencer Chase is my head security guard. He used to fight MMA, but after an injury, he started working here. Shame too. He was a hell of a fighter too. Now, he just manages my security team, keeps troublemakers in line, and is a constant pain in my ass,” Jim finished.

“So, there is a lot of security here,” I asked, trying to keep from asking more questions about the hot and sexy guy- I mean Chase.

“Yes. I run a legit casino here, but this is Vegas, sweetheart. Bad guys make their way in and we have a lot of money trading hands. I can’t be too careful,” Jim said. “I also hired a few of the local police officers to work in the casino. We have had some issues with the mob before here, especially Rossi, he is a pain in my ass. So, Grey Hudson is in charge of making sure we eliminate any problems too big, before my security guys need to get involved.

“Wow, that makes me feel safe knowing you keep a lot of eyes around this place,” I added. I wasn’t sure if I meant it or not, but part of me did feel comfortable knowing trouble could be eliminated if needed.

Nodding my head, I just smiled. “So, Chase must have been upset about something with his security team?” I suggested as I tried to get more information on him without coming across as a crazy stalker. I didn’t even know this guy, but the way he had looked at me was burned into my mind.

“No, to be honest, he was pissed about me hiring you. I guess he thinks you look too wholesome or something,” Jim smiled and patted my shoulder. “Don’t worry though, I am sure with the uniform on and some makeup, you will be a knockout.”

I was sure my mouth had just dropped down to the red carpet below me. Did he just insult me? Did Chase think I was too innocent looking for this casino? Damn, I thought I might be able to belong here. Turns out, I was still being judged. I guess I would just have to change both of their minds.

“You ok, Lizzie?” Avery asked, as she noticed my hurt expression.

Oblivious to my angst, Jim just waved and with a quick goodbye, he left us alone. “Sure, I will be just fine,” I said, through clenched teeth.

“That’s my girl,” Avery clapped.

Linking her arm through mine, she led me in the direction of the bar. I was ready to get a stiff drink and forget about Chase and how he and Jim seemed to catalog me. I wasn’t the girl they seemed to think I was and I had to prove to them, and myself that the new Lizzie was a tough chick who wasn’t going to take their shit. Only, I hoped they would believe me.



I have never had my breath taken away before. Not even during a fight. However, that all changed the night that Lizzie walked into the casino. Everything about the way she looked, smiled, and walked seemed completely wrong. This world I live in is not meant for girls like Lizzie. I am surrounded by danger. Gambling. Drugs. Alcohol. Sleazy guys who only want one thing; and I know what that one thing is. Sex.

I could barely hear my own thoughts over the loud music that Jim loved to play throughout the casino. Some days this place seemed more like a tacky strip club than a professional casino. Jim loved to parade the women around here in skimpy skirts and shirts. It made for great tips I guess, but showed no class if you asked me.