Page 7 of Reckless Desire

Two men were arguing in front of me about who had won and who had cheated at the last blackjack table they had both played at. Most days, I loved working security in front of the Millionaire’s room. I didn’t have to worry about drunk sluts trying to hit on me or break up too many fights. The high rollers that entered this room had money and they wanted to keep it that way. They played to win and there was an air of respect that surrounded all of us. Tonight though, I had to watch two jackasses argue back and forth when all I wanted to do was to punch them both in the throat to shut them up. But, Jim had warned me more times than I liked to admit that I couldn’t hit the customers. Being an MMA fighter made me a lethal weapon and he couldn’t handle a lawsuit against his casino. So, I shut my mouth and ignored the bastards until I was given the signal to let more people into the small and private room.

I was just about to open the doors to add a few more customers in, when my eye fell on the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Sure, I see loads of gorgeous women roaming around Vegas. Hell, I had slept with most of them. But this girl was different. Her long, brown hair looked more like honey than it did any color I had ever seen before. Her hazel eyes seemed to glow as she spotted me from across the room. For the first time since I had started working here ten years ago, the room seemed to light up like a stage and this beautiful creature was the star of the show. With her in the room, the casino didn’t look so dirty anymore. Instead, it held a peaceful and classy glow.

“Hey, the man said to let us in,” one of the men huffed, as I stood with my hand on the glass door staring across the room.

“Shut the fuck up. I will let you in when I am ready,” I bit back as the man took a step back and away from me. The regulars knew not to mess with me. Now, this guy learned why.

I spotted Grey walking past me, a smirk covering his face as he heard my exchange. I liked Grey, but there was something about him I couldn’t understand. Girls flocked to him with his dirty blond hair and rough exterior, but he always seemed to be looking around, as though he were watching for something to happen. Maybe I was just being cynical. I mean, this is Vegas after all.

“Can you just let us in?” his friend asked, as he looked at me with sorry eyes. He knocked me out of my own thoughts as he rambled on.

Shaking my head, I sighed as I motioned for a few more people to enter, including the two idiots who had been arguing. When I looked up again, the girl was gone.

Now I was pissed. I wasn’t sure why I cared who she was or why she was here but I did. I wasn’t interested in dating anyone anymore. After my last failed relationships, I had learned the hard way that most women just wanted me for sex and access into the casino. Sure it had its benefits, but I was tired of being used. I experienced enough of that growing up. Somehow though, this girl made me want to know where she was. She shouldn't be here and I needed her to know that.

All it took was one look from the mysterious girl in the yellow dress and my entire world had been rocked to its fucking core. It was crazy how all it took was just one look from those mesmerizing hazel eyes for my heart to beat again for the first time in my life. She didn’t know who the hell I was and truth be told, I didn’t know her either. None of that mattered though. This girl, who I didn’t even know, who shouldn’t have meant anything at all to me; had made me realize one thing; I would never be good enough for the girl with the honey-colored hair. But I would damn sure try.


The next afternoon, Avery and I found ourselves venturing back into the same casino bar we had entered last night. Neither of us had any money to go out and explore the sights, so we decided to take advantage of the free drinks we could get working at the Hard Rock. I was surprised to see that the casino bar was packed for only being noon. I guess when you are in Vegas, or on vacation, or just here- you drink. Especially, today though. With the heat index reaching over one hundred and nine degrees, people were being driven inside by the cool air and promises of big wins.

Finding a table in a darkened corner, Avery and I sat down and began looking through the drinks menu. I needed something sweet and fruity and full of alcohol.

“What do you want?” Avery asked, as she looked at me over her menu.

“Something to get me drunk,” I sighed.

I found a peach margarita and was searching for the waitress when a guy wearing a pink polo began strutting toward my table.

Noticing him, I glanced at Avery. “Look at this preppy guy,” I laughed.

“Hey ladies,” he said, with a wink.

“Hi,” Avery and I said in unison.

“I’m Tanner. Who are you, beautiful ladies?” Tanner asked. His charm was about to make me gag.

“I am Avery and this is my friend Lizzie,” Avery said, in a bitchy tone.

I wanted to laugh, but I decided to play along.

“Are you two here with anyone or just on a girl’s vacation?” he asked with a grin that was too wide.

“Nope, just the two of us,” I offered, with a yawn.

Pulling up an extra chair to our table, Tanner just invited himself to join us. Pointing to a table near the bar he began. “I’m here with a couple of my buddies. We would love to go explore Vegas with two beautiful girls like yourselves,” Tanner said.

“I have a boyfriend,” I stated, taken aback by his abrasiveness. Sure I was lying to him, but he had a big set of balls to just walk up to us like that. I was sure his pick-up might work with most girls. But not me.

“So,” he replied, his eyes still locked on mine. “He’s not here right now, is he?”

I half smiled, as I forced my hand to my side. I swear, this guy was a total prick, but he was hot, except for the pink polo. “And why would I do that?” I countered, giving in to his little game.

I watched as Avery sat open-mouthed, staring at the scene before her. I wasn’t the type of girl who talked to strange guys in bars, but hell, here I was doing it.

Offering a wicked grin, Tanner looked at my lips before trailing his eyes over my body. Leaning in, he placed his mouth barely inches from my ear. His warm breath sent tingles down my body as he leaned in closer. “You should break up with him, because if you were happy with him you would be here with him now. Besides, I have a girlfriend, but you know the saying; what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

He pulled away and gauged my reaction. I guess my silence was an invitation to him to put his arm around me. Wrong move, buddy.