I turn my head back to look at Dash, who looks confused. Why would an Alpha who already has an Omega what another Alpha? Dash carefully puts Holland down, leaning her against the wall. He steps forward, and my eyes follow him as he walks right in front of me, putting his body between me and the gun. “You will not kill her,” Dash says. “That will solidify your death. Not even your father could save you.” I watch as Dash inches closer to her, step by step. “You holding that gun to my Omega is enough for me to kill you, Sadie.”

“You’d kill me over this worthless, cum dumpster?” Sadie almost looks like she could cry. Her face reddens, and I see her anger boil over. “I am twice the woman she could ever be!”

“You’re an Alpha, Sadie, start acting like one.” I look over to see David’s face wince when Dash says that. “You treat your Omega like he’s trash, you threaten my Omega. Why because you’re jealous of her?”

“I deserve this!” Sadie stomps her foot. Dash is close enough to take the gun out of her.

In the fastest motion I have ever seen, I watch as grabs the gun from her, tucking it into his own waistband. “You deserve nothing.” Dash grabs her by the throat, knocking her to her knees. “I will end you for this, Sadie.”

“Please!” David screams, grabbing his chest as he watches his Alpha at the mercy of Dash. “Don’t kill her.”

Dash turns to look at David, sitting on his knees next to him. “Why would you want me to spare your Alpha when she doesn’t care about you?”

David flinches at the words. “I’m still mated to her. It would kill me to watch her die. Even if she hates me, I still love her.” He bows his head.

“She can’t get away with threatening my mate, there are witnesses, and I have the right to kill her for this,” Dash snarls.

“I know.” I hear a sniffle out of David.

“Dash,” I say softly. “I would die if something happened to you guys, I couldn’t imagine my mates dying. Let alone being taken from me.”

Dash lets out another growl, shoving Sadie further to the ground, laying her out flat, with his hand choking her. “You, Sadie Clemmons, have been spared. Your life is only yours because of your Omega. Remember this, David is the only reason you still have breath in your lungs.” He lets go and moves quickly back over to Holland, scooping her up into his arms. I watch as he steps around Mitch and I to look down at her. “There will be an investigation into you holding Omegas in your basement.”

“It's my father’s doing,” she croaks, fearfully.

“If you tell him they are coming, you will face the consequences. Do you understand?” Dash lets out a snarl glaring down at her.

She just nods, and I watch as Dash steps over her body, laying flat on the floor and walking straight out of her house. Mitch follows suit, carrying me out of the house that I’ve been a prisoner at for who knows how long. The second the sun hits my face, I feel a calming sweep over my body. I survived. They came for me, they freed me. Just as I think it, the tears fall from my burning eyes. Reminding me that I’m still alive.

Chapter Five

The car hums as we drive down the street to Holland’s house. Apparently her parents have been looking for her for the entire time she’s been gone, never believing that their daughter would just run away. Mitch stops the car in front of a light green house with dark green accents. The wreath on the door is old and falling apart. I open the door to the SUV and get out, taking Holland with me.

“You don’t have to take her up there,” Dash says, looking back at me.

“Yes I do,” I say. I’m not sure why, but I need to know that she’s safe. Making sure that these people are going to take care of her. Holland shivers next to me, wrapped in a blanket from the back of the car. I take her hand and help her walk up the sidewalk toward the soft brown front door. Our steps are slow as she takes her time approaching the door.

“What if they don’t remember me?” Holland asks, gripping my hand tighter.

“They’re gonna be so happy to have you back, Holland." We stop at the door, glancing at each other. I can see how scared she is. Taking my free hand, I lift it to the wood and tap my knuckles on the door three times.

We wait for what seems like forever, but when the door swings open, I see a woman standing there, she looks like Holland, just older. Her soft green eyes widen as her gray streaked auburn hair falls into her face. "Holland?" she says, trying to reel in her emotions. When she steps forward, Holland steps back, recoiling from contact. I don't blame her. Not after what she's been through.

I look over at Holland, we exchange a silent look, me telling her it's okay to go to her mom. She gives me a soft nod, letting go of my hand as she lunges for her mom, sobbing the second they make contact. I smile at the sight of them, even if I never see her again, I know that she'll be safe here with her mom.

Moving back, I turn, taking my leave during their emotional reunion. "Thank you!" I hear from behind me. When I turn back to look at them, Holland is tucked under her mother's arm as she waves at me. I give her a quick wave, then I focus on what's in front of me. Dash rolls the window down, giving me the icy blue stare, the one he gives me when he's worried.

I know how it felt while I was held captive, but I couldn't imagine how they felt missing me. Not knowing where I was, if I was okay.

When I reach the SUV, I pull the door open and jump into my seat. The second I pull the door closed, I feel it again. The emotional toll on what I've been through. Mitch starts to say something, but all I can think about is not crying. I lay out in the back seat, tucking my arms and legs in, tightly against my body. Dash's hand touches my knee, and I feel safe.

The morning sun blares through my open window, reminding me that I'm no longer down in that cage. My finger touches the silky smooth material of my sheets as I stretch out my sleepy time stiffness. I blink away the fog as I sit up, and I let out a gasp when I see a face laying next to me. I run my fingers through the sandy blonde hair of Colson, then I notice dark hair to my other side. Putting my hand on top of Dash’s head, I smile.

Looking around the room, I notice that Mitch is asleep in the chair under my window, and Darrell pulled another chair into my room and is sleeping in it next to the door. I feel the ping of my heart strings when I realize that all four of them slept in my room. Each of them look more uncomfortable than the next. Poor guys. “Morning,” I whisper as I feel Colson move.

“Morning, Lolli.” He pushes up onto my bed, knocking me back as he wraps his arms around me, burying me beneath him. His weight pushes me into the mattress, and I love it. I’ve never been more happy to be suffocated by a man, and I can officially say that if this is what kills me, then at least I’d be with the ones I love. I let out a laugh as Colson starts to tickle me. I fling my legs and arms trying to get away from him.

“Colson!” Darrell’s voice booms in my room, snapping Colson and I out of our play time. We sit up and look over at Darrell who’s now standing next to the bed instead of being in the chair. The look on his face says it all, he was just as scared as the others and having me back here is a relief. “Everyone out. I need to talk to Veronica,” he commands as Dash and Mitch both get up.