“I just wanted one. I had one, but he wasn’t my mate. He was just there the day my heat started at school. It was embarrassing. He was the only Alpha in class of age, he swooped me into his arms and carried me out. He was so kind, even though he wasn’t my Alpha, he still managed to soothe my heat, just enough for me to get home.” I hear her sigh.

“Who was it? Maybe I can help you find him when we get out of here.” I try to look over the other cages to see where she’s at exactly.

“Mitchell Yates,” she says with a sigh. My chest heaves at the sound of my mate’s name on her lips. I want to rip her head off her shoulders. With white knuckles, I grip the bars on my cage, trying like hell to get out of here.

Chapter Four

My body aches from laying on the cold floor and metal bars. My head hurts from the lack of food and water. Sadie left me down here, and I have no idea how long it's been, but it's been long enough for my body to feel like it's failing. “Veronica.” I hear Holland whisper my name. She sounds weaker than I feel. “Please. Talk to me.” Her voice is soft and broken, sounding like a crackle instead of a voice.

I’ve ignored her since she told me she was with Mitch. There’s a blinding light, forcing me to cover my face and whine. “Food.” I hear a voice as feet stomp down the stairs.

Looking up through the cage, I see David holding a tray. Sitting up, I lock eyes with him as he hands me a bottle of water. “You’ll get sick if you drink it too quickly. Sip it.” I reach up, take the cold water in my hand, crack the lid open, put the bottle to my lips, and feel the cool liquid hit my lips.

“Here, Holland.” I watch David walk away from me. I squint over to see where Holland is, she’s like three cages down and on the other side.

David throws something into my cage, granola bars. I pick it up, and this motherfucker is just a plain ass granola bar. I scoff and open the package anyway, I’m starving so something is better than nothing.

There is a loud crashing sound, like glass breaking, sending David running up the stairs, and when he opens the door, I hear shouting. “I don’t know where your stupid omega is!” Sadie shouts.

“Everything okay?” I hear David say from the top of the stairs.

“Yes. Dash and Mitch we’re just leaving,” Sadie says with a bite to her voice. The basement door is slammed shut, making it impossible for me to hear anything else.

My throat is still dry, and I feel weak as hell, but I let out a loud, long, dry scream, making my throat burn. I hope they heard me, my Alphas. Dash and Mitch. When my scream stops, I hear what sounds like fighting. Thudding against the ground and shouting. I can’t hear what they say, but within seconds, the basement door opens again, and the sound of boots hitting the stairs, fast and hard.

“Veronica!” I hear Mitch’s voice.

“Yes!” I cry out, so happy to see him. My fingers wrap around the metal bars as he squats down to figure out how to open in.

“I’m gonna fucking kill them.” I see Dash as he rounds the corner from the stairs. “We’ve been looking for you for days, baby.”

“Where are Darrell and Col?” I ask, feeling my heart pound against my chest. My guys came for me. I knew they would eventually, but fuck, it’s so good to see them.

“They went to the Royal Courts to see if you were taken by them. Neill suggested that we come talk to Sadie, he said Ian showed up while Mandy was in heat, trying to stake his claim on her. Mandy told Neill that she could smell you on him.” Dash grabs a steel pipe off the ground and smashes it into the lock over Mitch’s shoulder.

They remove the lock, and the door swings open. I jump out, landing in Mitch’s arms. “I’ve missed you,” I whisper as I crash my lips on his.

“Is there another Omega down here?” Dash asks, smelling the air.

I break my kiss, pushing up off of Mitch. “Yes.” I grab onto Dash’s arm and pull him to me, to help steady my steps. “Holland West.”

Mitch stands up and walks toward the back. “Don’t you fucking touch her, Mitchell.” I growl as he gets closer to the Omega. “I know who she is. You are not allowed near her.”

Mitch stiffens, turning back to face me. “Holland isn’t my mate, sweetheart. You are, she means nothing to me,” he whispers as he steps closer to me.

“Dash can get her out. We are taking her with us,” I say; commanding my Alpha around is a bit much, but I’m ready to get the fuck out of here, and I’m not leaving knowing that she’s still here. Mitch lifts me into his arms as my knees start to buckle. “Just take me home,” I say, leaning my head against his chest.

Mitch walks us up the stairs, and there’s Sadie standing there between the door and us. “Move, Sadie, don’t make things worse.” She has a swollen eye and a bloody lip.

“You’re not leaving with her! I’m better than her, you guys deserve a mate who can handle you.” Sadie’s voice is stern yet full of self hatred.

“Sadie, even if you were the last fucking woman on the planet, I still wouldn’t touch you,” Mitch replies. “Now fucking move.”

“I don’t want you, I want him.” I look back to see Dash carrying Holland, who looks like she’s barely even alive, stick thin with sunken eyes and cheeks.

“What did you think was going to happen? You’d take my mate and slowly replace her?” Dash growls, adjusting Holland in his grip. “You’re an Alpha, Sadie, you have an Omega.”

“Fuck him. I want you. If you want her to leave this house alive, you have to stay.” Sadie pulls a gun out. I let out a gasp as she points it directly at me.