Pushing off the door, I crawl on my hands and knees to my bed. I feel the sting of tears pricking at my eyes as I reach up for my bed. I can’t hold it in anymore. The second my arms hit the bed, I lean against it and start crying. I’ve ruined everything.

Chapter Nine

I force myself to stay hidden for the rest of my heat, torturing myself with the pain. No matter how many times I masturbate, it doesn’t settle it down. I need the guys, but I couldn’t trust myself not to listen. My body craves to have them inside of me, filling me with their cum, and I’m not ready for a baby. Although, I could have already fucked that up.

Darrell gave me these herbs that smell awful to help me not conceive a child, but I hadn’t taken them before… before I forced him to cum inside me. My body is wracked with emotions, feeling guilty, even though it was literally my basic instincts telling my body what it needed.

I read more about Alpha and Omega mates. If you look at the basic fundamentals of it, an Alpha wants to rut, and an Omega wants to be rutted. Impregnation is a side effect of it. I’ll have to watch myself over the next several weeks to make sure I didn’t get pregnant.

“You can’t stay in there forever, Lolli.” Colson knocks on my door. My heat’s been over for a few days now, and I have no interest in seeing any of them. Maybe if I grew up knowing about all of this it would have been different, but everyone in my life lied to me. Everyone. Including them. My protectors.

“Go away, Colson!” I shout at the door. Any of them could easily break down the door and barge in here, force me to come out. But they haven’t.

“Today is your last day for sulking. If you do not come out tomorrow, there will be consequences,” he says with a bite of anger. I’ve never actually heard Colson get mad, he’s usually the calm one.

“Fuck that!” I hear Dash. “Open the fucking door or I’m kicking it down!”

“You’ll just have to replace it again!” I say.

“Bullshit. I’ll take away your privilege of having a fucking door altogether!” Dash hits the door, causing me to jump.

It's not a privilege to have a door, it's a privacy right. They wouldn’t do that. I cross my arms over my chest and refuse to say anything else when he’s so wound up. The door handle jiggles, giving me a startle. Would he?

“Three!” he shouts.

No fucking way. He wouldn’t take my door away.

“Two.” His fist hits the door.

Shit. He sounds serious. I stand up and stare at the door.

“One.” I watch the door fly open, causing me to jump back with a squeal. “I fucking warned you.” He stomps over toward me. I run, jumping over my bed to get away from him. He follows, giving me an opening to the door.

“Ronni!” he growls, and I take off, jumping over the splintered pieces of wood scattered over my floor. “Stop her!” Dash yells at Colson.

I look at Colson, pleading with him to let me run by, and he does. When he steps back, I take off down the stairs, running like hell through the living room and around the corner to the kitchen. I won't let him catch me. I let out a laugh when I see Mitch sitting at the table. The oblivious look on his face has me laughing, but he jumps up when Dash shouts for someone to stop me. I skate right past him, pulling the door open to the garage. Darrell’s SUV is gone, which explains why they picked now to try to get me out of the room. Hitting the button, the garage starts opening, and I watch as it barely opens, slowly. I hear footsteps behind me, so I run to the garage door and roll out underneath it.

Feeling good in my escape, I laugh, push up off the ground, and turn to run. Running smack into something solid. “Humph.” The sound is forced out of me as I fall back to the ground, landing straight on my ass.

“Where are you going, Ronni?” I look up to see Dash standing there. How the hell did he get out here? “I took the front door like a smart person,” he says, almost like he read my mind. “Get up.” He offers me a hand, but I’m not done running. I kick him in the knee, watching him stumble back. I scramble to get up and take off running down the block. “Ronni!” I hear Dash shout after me, but I'm gone. Running as hard as I can down the street and around the corner, with no shoes on.

I run until I can’t run anymore, finding myself several blocks away from home, with no one on my tail. My breath is heavy, filling my lungs quickly as I release it just as fast. I’ve never actually ran away from home, and right now, being anywhere but there sounds amazing.

Finding myself walking down the street of what we call downtown here, I see several people I know, but I doubt they know me. “Is that her?” I hear a whisper as I walk by a small diner with a few people standing outside.

Are they talking about me? I turn to look back at them, but they look away quickly and walk away in the opposite direction. I see Sadie walking down by a boutique where she likes to shop, so I dip into a small alley to watch her. She stands tall and proud, with a guy following her, but he looks sad. Like he doesn't want to be there. “Stay here.” She turns to tell him as she opens the door to the shop. He listens, standing there at the door with his back against the wall. He holds his hands down in front of him, almost like he’s clutching himself as she disappears inside.

She’s an Alpha, is he her Omega? My curiosity is piqued, and I gotta know. I look both ways to see if anyone’s coming, and there are absolutely no cars. So, I run across the street, keeping my distance from him. I walk with slow, calculated steps, approaching him slowly. “Pst.” I try to get his attention.

“You can’t be here. She’ll get mad,” he says, waving a hand at me. I know him. He looks so familiar. Studying his face, I look at the sad blue eyes and realize I know exactly who he is.

“David?” I ask softly. The fucking superstar quarterback. “David,” I whisper his name again. “Why are you acting like this, letting her treat you like a lap dog?”

“Go away, Veronica. If she sees you, it’ll make things worse,” he says, waving me away.

“Are you an Omega?” I whisper. He nods. “Her Omega?” He nods again. This poor fucker. “I’m sorry,” I say with a heavy heart. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Sadie was nasty enough before, I couldn’t imagine being an Omega to her Alpha. That would literally be hell.

“Go before she sees you, please.” His soft blue eyes plead with me to not make things worse for him.