“I’m an Omega too. I’m no threat to her,” I tell him, hoping to ease his worry.

“No, but you're the Omega to them, and they hold the power. Go home, Ronni, before she gets back.” David turns his back to me. “Go home,” he says again.

I turn away, not understanding what he means. I remember the guys telling me that Darrell is a secret holder, and that he’s powerful. But why would Sadie have to worry about me, an Omega? And why would David not talk to me? Shouldn’t we stick together as Omegas? I really wish I understood more about my new life. I let out a sigh, letting my feet shuffle along the sidewalk.

“You shouldn’t be out here.” A voice scares me as I’m grabbed at the shoulders. I look up to see Neill. “You need to be back at home. You can’t be out and about. I already told you this.”

I shove him off. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but I have enough people trying to boss me around. I don’t need the fucking librarian adding in his two cents.”

He almost looks offended, but I don’t care. “You need to keep an Alpha with you at all times. Your life isn’t safe out here alone.”

“Are you threatening me? I heard Darrell on the phone with you. What do you know, what should I know?” I shake my head needing answers. “Why am I not safe?” I want to shove at his shoulder, but I don’t. “Tell me, Neill, what do you know about my life and what I’m going through? What gives you the right to tell me I’m not safe?”

“Ronni!” I hear Darrell’s voice over the hustle and bustle of downtown. Fuck me. I’m in trouble.

“Answer me, Neill. What do you know that I don’t?” I reach for his arm, but he recoils away from me. “Please!” I beg of him.

“Enough.” Darrell spins me around. “You’ve gone too far this time, Veronica. Get in the fucking car.” The command in his voice overpowers the need for an answer from Neill. I hang my head, turning toward his SUV.

“Stay away from her.” I hear him growl at Neill. I ignore whatever else he says to Neill as I climb into the back seat behind the driver. Where I always climb in at. I have yet to sit in the front seat, it almost feels wrong to sit there now, knowing that I’m lesser than them.

Darrell gets into the driver's seat. “Climb up front,” he says with a bite of anger.

“I don’t sit in the front,” I say, sitting up.

“When we are in the car alone, you will sit up front with me unless directed otherwise.” He turns to look back at me. “Now get your ass up here.” I just nod and climb over the center console and drop into the seat. “I’m disappointed in you.”

It's like he stabs me in the chest with a knife, those words hurt more than anything I’ve heard so far. The look on his face is even worse. I start to say something, but what if it makes it worse?

“We aren’t keeping you locked away because we want to ravage you and keep you as a sex slave, Veronica. There are things that you don’t know, and you’ve locked yourself in your room so we couldn’t talk.”

“That’s because I feel like I’m worthless,” I say, fidgeting with the hem of my sweater.

“Look at me,” he says, using his fingers to lift my chin. “You aren’t worthless, it’s the opposite.” His eyes are soft, and he’s no longer angry. What changed? “I wish you could feel what I feel. I have such a strong need to protect you, to keep you safe, and when you ran, Dash called me.” He pauses. “I thought the worst things possible. I know you are confused, and you don’t understand a lot of things. But I need you to understand this one thing above all else.” I feel a tear fall down my cheek, and he wipes it away. “We are here for you. And only you.” His blue eyes look at me like he speaks the truth. “You are the most important thing in the world to us.”

“I feel lost, Darrell,” I say through the fog of my tears. I try not to cry, but I can’t help it.

“I know, little one. I know. But I've told you time and time again, if you have questions, just ask. We will be truthful, always.” Darrell leans over towards me.

“Take me home,” I whisper, trying to avoid sobbing.

“Of course.” He places a kiss on my forehead, then turns his attention to drive us off. Then I see her, Sadie, she grabs David by his arm and jerks him away. I may be lost and confused, but at least I don’t have Sadie as my Alpha.

Darrell drives us home, holding my hand in his, which is calming. Just having him touching me is calming, like a break in the storms.

“I get that they’re going to be mad at me for running, but it was their fault they couldn’t catch me. They really should get better at protecting their Omega,” I say, hoping to avoid any punishment that may come my way.

“You’re not wrong,” Darrell says, bringing my hand up to kiss the back of it.

“So what’s gonna happen when we go inside?” I ask as he pulls into the garage.

“Nothing. We’ll have some lunch, maybe talk,” Darrell says, pulling his hand from mine. “We can do whatever you want.”

“I want to ask questions again. I have just a few.” Or like a million, but whatever.

“Then, let's go in there and get you some answers.” Darrell’s big burly body climbs out of the SUV, jogging around to my side of the door. He opens the door. “Milady.” He offers me a hand.

I laugh but take it. “What are you doing?” I ask as he helps me out of the seat.