“She’s going to be easy to break,” he says. “She’s already broken. Not much satisfaction in that, right?”

Even though he’s into shit a man who’s supposed to be a role model for kids shouldn’t be, he’s decent when it comes to his students. I decide to be honest with him. Because he mighttryto stop me from finding her. I don’t need the time waste.

“No,” I say. “I’m not going to break her. I’m going to give her a break.”

There’s a blond-headed girl sitting in the waiting room. I go to pass but she calls my name.

“Don’t look so surprised,” she says. “Anyone around here knows who you are. And my sister. She’s got a…crush.”

Ava. She’s got defiance written all over her. I don’t mind a wild chick, especially in the bedroom, but this one hasfight meor bite mein her blood. She also has wings, which I wasn’t born with. If the attraction was there—why the fuck not? But all I see when I look at her is Lucila’s little sister. I look at her and know what she’s been through.

I don’t see Lucila as her own history, though. I see her as her future. Bright.

“Good,” I say. “Because I have a…crush too.”

She grins. “Glad we could be honest with each other. And I’m glad you’ve taken an interest in her. She needs someone like you. A man who will give her back what she gives. Everything.”

“Follow the candy wrappers.”

“Yeah, but not today. Why do you think I’m sitting here? I got into it with that bitch who works in the cafeteria. She hit my sister.”

“Tell me about it,” I say.

Her grin turns into a smile. “My pleasure.”




The backof the cab was cloaked in darkness, except for the hundreds of tiny lights that brightened New York instead of stars. They were hard to catch, though, as Aren flew down the street. The entire world felt like a blur, and I was caught up in the whirlwind.

From the moment my eyes locked with his—Brio Angelo Tigran Valentino—he brought me inside of what felt like a cyclone. It was too strong for me to fight. I’d gotten caught up and, ever since, I’d been twisted.

My heart was in knots. It was hard to catch my breath.

Panic attack?


I knew better, though.

Those songs.Those damn songs!

It was hard for me to say no to Carine. I knew how much she enjoyed us being together. She loved when he was on the piano and I sat next to him, singing to the melodies he charmed. Carine said that together we made magic.

My eyes fell to my arm, which was draped over Minnie. Goosebumps made my skin look puckered in the darkness. Red from the neon stoplight above bathed us in a bloody hue.

A shiver stole over me, and I pulled Minnie closer.

The thought of his long fingers caressing the keys always gave me a physical reaction. He had more potential on that instrument than should have been allowed. But he squandered it, letting it waste away in the darkness he thrived in. It killed the light in him, little by little, like it had killed mine.

The very thing he was determined to save in me.

“His choices had ruthless consequences," I whispered. “And not only for him.”

“What’s that?” Aren asked.