Page 27 of Mai Tai

Girl, why would you even? Yes, they have tailored suits and probably guns with pearl handles.

Or jade handles.

Oh, or diamonds.

Okay, Ry Pie, you’re freaking out here.

I clear my throat. “Just a little thrown off. I’m the only woman in a room full of men.”Yeah, that makes sense.

“Is Ryoichi holding you hostage?”

Osaka gestures with his hands, encouraging my response. After a few beats, he gently prompts, “Keeping you against your will? Are you a captive?”

“Oh, no.” I shake my head.

“Please sit with me.” Osaka’s request is followed by a chair being placed directly behind him. Man, his men are on point. Another chair is positioned across from it, a few feet away.

On trembling legs, I go toward the seat and thank God my legs haven’t failed me upon sitting. I glance at Ryoichi.

“You mustn’t worry about him, Ms. Moore. I must apologize. Until recently, Ryoichi was the most respectedsaiko komonever initiated into my . . . family . . . business.”

Your gang.

“He will be reprimanded for his current behavior. You say that you’re here—”

“Of my free will.” I gasp. “Sorry to cut you off. But Ryoichi’s still the same guy you once?”

“None of these are Ryoichi’s men, Ms. Moore.” Osaka glances around. “They’re all mine.”

My brow dips. I don’t get it.

“Please be honest. These men are here because I assure you Ryoichi will be punished, as well as any of those who assisted him with abducting you. Now, you have family in the States searching for you as of twenty-four hours ago. On various social media outlets, people plead for your safe return. You were last seen in Santorini, Greece. Upon leaving your hotel, you were with men who fit the description of Ryoichi Ziatso andhismen.”

“Oh, that was my friend. She was confused.” I place a hand over my neck, massaging slowly. “I meant to call my friends, Mandy and Essence, yesterday. But I was having so much fun with Ryoichi—he’s a good guy.” I try a laugh, but it just sounds fake, so I smile. It probably looks wrong too.

I shift in my chair. “I gather attention or any authorities sniffing around your backyard isn’t a good look?”


“I will call them right away.”

“Also, your father. He’s in the army with ties that are capable of . . .”

Putting a dent in your operation. “I’ll make the call now. Then you can get back to what it is you do. How does that sound?”

“My men are under orders not to physically harm anyone. Hence, my inquiry that Ryoichi—”

“He’s been perfect.”

Although Osaka smiles, I gather having someone cut intohisspeech is like everyone on God’s green earth learning quantum physics. It doesn’t happen.

“Did he . . .injureanyone?”

I wait an appropriate beat, then say, “Nope. No one.”

Ryoichi speaks up. “Boss, she’s covering for me. I did.”

I glance at him as he forks a hand through his hair, sinking back on his haunches.