Page 28 of Mai Tai

Ryo . . . Why would you?



I never professed to be a good man, but if you do not believe in something, you will fall for anything. Ryann’s heart seems to squeeze in her eyes. With mine, I let her know that, regardless of Osaka’s actions, if he chooses to slay me, he is not the One who I must answer to.

I believe in a Higher Power. The One my mother believed in, brought to us by the American missionary. Throughout my life, I’ve studied and struggled with this world I live in and a path in the light. Pure light, which can penetrate even through the darkest depths of the ocean, through heart, soul, and matter. The moment I saw Ryann, she was bathed in light. I knew she was on the path I’d been searching for. The one He’d been leading me to.

“I hurt a man. I thought he’d hurt Ryann. I was confused. He is fine, though, and he’s been released with money and promised never to speak of what happened.” I settle back, awaiting my boss’s response. He says nothing, so I look toward the ceiling and let peace pour over me as I murmur, “I went against Your orders, even when a small voice in my head said that I didn’t have to vindicate myself. Forgive me.” Every other action I’ve committed, which I told myself was okay because I rationalized it as vindicating my mother and Michie’s woman and other women, comes to mind.

I glance toward Osaka, and I see when it clicks that I’m not speaking to him.

I do not fear man.

I fear God.

ThoughmyGod is probably not who comes to his mind, I know Osaka to be a man of faith. I’m sure there are times when he feels the weight of his actions as well. To save face in front of his men, Osaka mumbles, “I forgive you.”

I meet Osaka’s eyes once more. “I’m done.”

Those are the only two words I have for Osaka Tatsun, theoyabun. I’ve worked for him for entirely too long, excusing the blood I’ve shed under the guise that someone deserved it. Regardless, it was never my role to carry it out.

A hand touches my shoulder. A pleasing scent engulfs me, and when I glance forward again, only Ryann is there. I climb to my feet.

Palm falling over her heart, she gasps, “You’re done, done?”


As she burrows her head into my chest, I stop her, holding her at arm’s length. “I saw myself having to declare how much I love you,” I gasp, “declare it before my family as Osaka placed a gun to my hea—”

“No!” She trembles between my arms.

I clutch Ryann’s face. “Ryann, you didn’t even hear me. What did I say?”

“You-you said . . .” Ryann’s voice becomes a subtle whisper. “You said you love me.”

“Yes. I love you. You were so brave today, coming here to save me, though I know you must have been afraid. You had to beseen.”

“I was.” Ryann starts to look down at her hands, but I catch her chin, lifting it.

“As I’ve said before, you are never to fear anyone. Not me. Not anything below the earth. Never fear, Ryann.”

“Oh, you sound religious.” Threading her fingers together, Ryann mumbles. “My mom always told me, ‘The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.’ ”Ryann hides a giggle and then groans. “Anyway, when I leave here, I’m taking my behind to church. You’re welcome to come with me.”

I smile, nodding my head. “That’s fine by me.”

Mini Epilogue


I clung to Ryoichi tightly, tears wetting my entire face and his face as we declared our love for each other. Ryoichi astonished me again. He was not only a man filled with peace, patience, goodness, and kindness, but he showed an outward display of his love by surprising me with my parents and Essence. He invited them into his home,ourhome, as if they were his own family.

My father came clad in his dress blues andmedallions shining to the heavens, all to scare Ryoichi. Truth be told, my father’s quiet, commanding presence always intimidated me. Dad rarely punished me, but he always encouraged me to be more extroverted. Lord knows I tried but always failed, making me feel like I failed him. Ryoichi, however, was not afraid. He was charming and outgoing, and my father was impressed with the new man in my life.

Now, my father stands at my side dressed in crisp marine blues and loops his arm through mine. His lips touch softly at the side of my temple. In the background, the great-granddaughter of my Sunday school teacher strikes up a song by Matthew West, perfect for weddings. Ryoichi wasn’t kidding when he said he’d come to church with me. Funny, I chose the church where I almost took my old Sunday school teacher’s eye out for the ceremony.

Two wedding planners open the doors to the sanctuary, but Dad stalls.