Page 98 of Celestia, Year One

"Just tell me if you need a break, Miona. I'm serious." He used a firmer tone, watching her stand up after slipping her heels on.

"I'm fine and I will. Happy?" She gave him a cheeky grin.

I walked into the entrance way; both of them turned to give me a final nod. I returned their gesture, holding the door for them to exit.

I smiled; Othello slipped his hand in Arcadia's, mumbling something about her tripping over everything. She huffed, but tightened her grip in his as they turned from our gate and made their way down the street to the next dorm house.

I closed the door, walking back into the living room where the others stood near the steps.

"What’s the plan?" Theo questioned.

"I'll stay with Caio," Cairus declared.

"Finn and I are going to get more supplies and do laundry. If we get to go back home till this whole thing is solved, we might as well pack a few things and have everything ready," Hunter explained.

"I'll stay with Celestia," I confirmed.

They nodded in agreement. Cairus walked over to me, patting me on the shoulder.

"We know you're trying to hide your worry, but Dearest will be just fine," he consoled.

Finn nodded. "Cutie Pie is strong. So is Sia. They won't succumb to this," Finn added.

Hunter and Theo nodded.

"Thanks," I whispered, unsure what else to say. Relying on others for comfort wasn't something I was used to, but it felt nice to have their support.

"You’re welcome, Orion. Let's check on each other in the evening," Cairus suggested.

"Sure," I replied.

We exchanged goodbyes and Cairus and I made our way upstairs. Cairus went to their room down the hall, while I walked the opposite direction. I entered the room, closing the door softly behind me.


I looked over my shoulder to see Arielle hopping on the bed. She hadn't been as affected by the weather change, but seeing her Celestia in a weak state was having a negative effect on her.

I walked over to the bed where Celestia slept quietly. There was a pink cloth on her forehead and her hair was now up in a bun. From her change in sleeping attire, I knew Ms. Arcadia had gone above and beyond her basic duties.

I'd taken responsibility for bathing her when Ms. Arcadia couldn't pass by. I didn't mind or feel embarrassed about it. I just didn't like Celestia being in sweat-soaked clothing and I could imagine if the roles were reversed, she'd take care of me as well.

I sat on the edge of the bed. Arielle hopped off Celestia's legs and flew up to land on my shoulder.

"Bru..." she chirped quietly.

I stroked her little head. "I know. Celestia still isn't well, but Othello and Ms. Arcadia said they are going to work on something. Okay?" I soothed.

She gave a small nod, flying off my shoulder and landing next to Celestia's cheek. She nuzzled her head as she nestled in the soft pillow. She was asleep in moments.

I looked back at Celestia who hadn't stirred from my words. She looked better than earlier, her complexion was less pale and her cheeks weren't as red.

I removed the cloth from her head, placing my hand in its place. She wasn't feverish anymore, but that could change any time. I closed my eyes, allowing my magic to flow through to my left hand.

"Healosa Lightana,"I whispered. A dim gold light surrounded my hand that rested on Celestia's forehead.

She let out a soft sigh and her body relaxed a bit. I removed my hand, calling off the magic.

At least a small dose of light magic would help her sleep better. I lowered my hand to caress her cheek with my thumb. Her tattoo on her face was visible since she'd finally decided not to hide her markings when we were home.