Page 99 of Celestia, Year One

I agreed with the others it was a waste of magic and she was even more beautiful with them on display. To me, her outward appearance didn't matter. She was beautiful with a caring heart and I knew her love for me and the others wasn't based on looks alone.

I closed my eyes, feeling exhausted myself. I hadn't gotten much sleep this week and with the light boosts I'd been giving Celestia and Caio, I didn't feel at my best.


I opened my eyes, looking down to see Celestia’s weak mismatched eyes.

"Hey," I whispered, rotating myself on the bed so I could give her my full attention. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Tired," she replied.

"I know. Othello and Ms. Arcadia are working on something for you. Just rest," I explained.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds, making me wonder if she'd fallen back asleep.


"Hm?" she hummed.

"I'm here if you need me," I declared. I could see the tiny lift of her lips.

"," she replied.

I smiled, leaning forward to give her a soft kiss. I noticed her breathing began to slow. As the silence continued, I knew she'd fallen back to sleep. I took a deep breath, glancing at the window next to our desk. If it wasn't for the lamp being on, the room would be pitch dark even when it was just past noon.

I'd rest for the remainder of the day and hope the serums would arrive tonight. If we had to go to class tomorrow, so be it. I wouldn't let anything happen to Celestia. I never wanted to lose someone that was important to me again.

I won't let the Forsaken have her.

Ultimate Test


"I'll make it," I declared.

"She's gonna face plant before she reaches the end of the stairs," Hunter huffed.

"You're supposed to believe in me!" I whined.

"Not when you're as pale as a ghost and already crashed into the wall," Hunter countered.

"Twice," Finn added.

"That was an accident!" I argued.

"Yup. The wall just got in her way," Orion supported.

"How did the wall get in her way?" Theo asked with an amused grin.

"The wall could have moved you know," Cairus suggested.

"Or maybe it was getting her back for the time Celestia tripped and dented it," Caio reminded.

"Really guys!" Hunter groaned.

"I'm going to school. It's mandatory training. And I don't feel too tired. Just a little wobbly," I announced, taking another step down the flight of stairs, holding the railing for dear life.

"Can someone just carry her? Please?" Finn asked.