Page 92 of Celestia, Year One

"I just know. I feel it the same way as I know when you're happy or sad," Orion admitted. His cheeks flushed a light pink and he glanced away. Then he grinned, and turned back to give me a light kiss.

"I'm just worried. I know our relationship is new and we haven't really told the others, but what if they get mad? Or...what if I love you but also one of them? Or if I eventually liked all of you. Would you hate me? Or dump me? If you don't want me to, I won't. I'll close myself off romantically from them for you. I just think it may be hard, but I don't want to be the one to ruin your friendship with one another," I confessed.

He frowned and was silent. I began counting the seconds, dread beginning to sink in as the silence lengthened. Finally, he tightened his hold around my waist, pulling me into his embrace. I stared into his eyes while my mind tried to determine what he was thinking. I didn't want to lose him. I believed that I may also love the others and would be more than willing to share myself with them, but with Orion, there was a deep connection and the thought of losing him hurt.

"Don't make that face," he whispered; a sorrowful expression took over as he leaned in to give me a comforting kiss. When we parted, he hugged me.

"You like the others?" he asked, sounding as if he wanted my confirmation.

"...Yes. I think I do? I...I'm so new at this. I don't know how it works and I never understood love until recently. Everything is still early yet, but I admire and feel some type of affection for each of them. Finn and his selfless personality, Hunter and his protective nature. Theo and his kindness that he tries to hide with a bold front, and Caio and Cairus, who do everything to make me laugh and feel better if anything troubles me. And you, who always shows up when I need someone to lean on. I don't want to lose any of you...but if it will make you unhappy to love them, I'll make the sacrifice," I declared, swallowing the lump in my throat and blinking back the tears that began to well in my eyes.

I didn't think I'd get so emotional over the matter, but speaking the words out loud and realizing I may have to let go of the men I'd slowly begun to have feelings for was harder than I'd expected.

Orion soothingly rubbed my back, followed by pressing a kiss to my neck. I relaxed in his strong hold, preparing myself for his reply.

"I'm willing to share," he confirmed.

I pulled back to meet his serene smile; tears of relief fell down my cheeks at his response. He pulled out of the embrace to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"Don't cry, Celestia. I would never want you to be unhappy. If being with all of us fulfills you, who am I to be selfish and deny what you need? I care dearly about you and I know the others do in their own way. This isn't a competition and we have all the time in the world to get to know each other. Just don't abandon me," he whispered the last part.

I quickly shook my head. "I'd never abandon you," I declared.

"Good. Then there's nothing to be crying about. You're going to ruin your makeup," he pointed out.

I laughed, letting the last of my tears fall before moving back to the desk to fix my makeup. I finished up, applying more lip gloss. I stood and turned, waiting for Orion's approval.

He gave me a wide smile, his perfect white teeth making an appearance while his eyes twinkled with admiration.

"You’re beautiful, Celestia," he praised.

"You’re a sight to behold yourself," I complimented.

He walked over to me, slipping his hand into mine. He glanced at my lips. "I can't kiss you anymore," he realized; his lips turned down into a little pout, making him look even more adorable.

I giggled at his disappointment, "Sorry. No more kisses until the end of this meeting," I affirmed.

He looked like he was considering something; a mischievous grin formed on his lips.

"What are you thinking?" I inquired, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Nothing," he replied, lowering his head to place a kiss on my neck.

I moaned at the touch which made me shiver in anticipation. I was still learning what I did and didn’t like when it came to kissing, but I quickly discovered my body loved when Orion kissed my neck.

"That's cheating," I giggled, sighing when he nibbled my sensitive flesh.

"It's not," he mumbled, pulling away.

"That better not have left a hickey," I warned.

He shrugged, "Maybe?" he replied, not seeming to care if it did.

I wanted to quickly check, but he tightened his grip around my hand.

"We're gonna be late," he reminded.

"We have tons of...Oh! It's eleven fifty-five!" I shrieked when my eyes locked on the clock above our desk. "Isn't the meeting at noon?" I asked, turning to Orion who appeared completely relaxed.