Page 91 of Celestia, Year One

"We should have made a password," Caio suggested.

"I agree. A secret password, like Team Misfit," Cairus replied.

"Bru-REE!" Arielle chirped.

"Secret password, Team Misfit, and Arielle. Now come out, guys," Hunter called out.

Orion and I sighed in relief. I leaned forward, to whisper in his ear.

"Your secret’s safe with me," I confirmed.


"Istill haven't heard from him," I groaned, putting on one of the few dresses I owned. I'd never seen the point of having anything fancy, especially not evening wear like the gowns I'd seen in magazines.

"Maybe he hasn't been home to check his mail?" Orion suggested.

It had officially been three months since I'd arrived at Aslan. Midterms had flown by with no incident, but the weather had been rather weird lately. Maybe it was common here for the season, but the cloudy days were beginning to take a toll on me. Since I knew Orion said he wanted to take me somewhere and I needed to wear formal attire, I'd slept all day to conserve what little energy I had left, using the excuse that Sia had been training during the night.

It was obviously a lie because she too, was affected by the weather and had barely made an appearance the last two weeks.

Either way, I hoped the weather would fix itself because it would be a hindrance to me if it continued. I straightened the vintage style polka dot dress. It was a light purple with pink and white polka dots. It had a white ribbon that wrapped around my waist with enough material to tie a nice big bow. The dress had a sweetheart neckline, showing a little more of my breasts than normal.

I had other summer dresses that could fit the occasion, but they were too fancy for my taste and this wasn't prom. Not like I got to go to one, but I'd still ordered a dress and "pretended" to go to prom so Magnor could take pictures of me all dressed up to place in his library.

I wore white shoes and left my hair down, curling it to add some volume. The gold strands had multiplied, making my hair look rather majestic, to say the least, but I'd come to really like the change and embraced my unique look.

I pulled out my lip gloss from the drawer, nodding in approval at the clear gloss with gold sparkles.

Arms wrapped around me, pulling me back into a warm embrace. I looked up to see Orion's small smile.

"Magnor can defend himself. Stop worrying," he soothed.

"I know. I’ve just never gone so long without communicating with him and it worries me," I admitted, giving him a sad smile.

"If he doesn't reply...we can go there. Maybe on the weekend. The others can come. Make a quick trip to see if he's home?" Orion suggested.

I wiggled in his embrace, rotating to face him.

He wore a white dress shirt, with a light purple tie, and black dress pants. His hair was up in a ponytail, with a few loose strands hanging on the left side of his face. It was my first time seeing him in fancy attire compared to our usual gym or school clothes.

"You'd go with me? All of you? I can go alone," I suggested.

"I’d rather we go with you, together. The others would agree," Orion stressed.

I gave him a heartfelt smile; my arms wrapped around his waist. "I'd appreciate it," I whispered.

He smirked; his hands rested on my hips and his lilac purple eyes drifted to my lips. He leaned down to kiss me.

Since our official first kiss, we'd been taking it slow. Neither of us were in a rush to prove our growing love for one another. But we also didn't hesitate to show each other affection. From sleeping in the same bed, holding hands and giving each other morning and night kisses, it was all new for both of us and I enjoyed the pace our relationship was developing at.

The only thing I worried about was the others and how they would take it. A part of me felt they would accept I was dating Orion and support us, but another part worried they wouldn't. Deep within, I was concerned about my growing feelings for the others and how Orion would respond. Would he be okay with me dating the others?

We broke the kiss and stared at one another. He tilted his head, a curious expression on his face.

"What's bothering you?" he asked.

"How do you know something is bothering me?" I countered.