Page 82 of Celestia, Year One

I opened them to see his long flowing white hair. I loved to see his hair down, giving me a glimpse of his majestic side, whereas when his hair was up, it highlighted his angular features. My eyes lowered to the tray of cupcakes in his hand.

I gawked at their magical appearance. Each cupcake was decorated differently, in varying mixtures of purple, blue, pink, and white. Some had gold stars while others had silver or bronze. Each had a different type of shifter on it, but the last two both had unicorns.

"Orion? Did you make these?” I asked.

He nodded. "I made eight...but I ate one. And Finn stole his," Orion grumbled the second half, looking displeased.

I laughed, never having seen that expression on his face. It made him even cuter. "But there's no occasion for this," I pointed out.

"Well...Theo said we missed your birthday. And we've been so busy that we didn't get to do anything. I thought cupcakes would make you happy," Orion admitted.

"Orion," I swallowed the lump in my throat. He didn't have to do this for me. It made me feel special and loved.

"Do you like them?" he asked.

"I love them," I replied.

His face lit up with joy. "Want to go downstairs and eat them before yoga?" he suggested.

I nodded. "Yes," I replied. I grabbed a crop top, quickly slipping it on. I walked up to his side, letting my hand run through his tresses.

"You gave me your hair tie," I grinned.

He blushed, looking away. "It’s okay," he replied, walking away.

I giggled. "So shy," I whispered, watching him walk down the hall.

I couldn’t wait to share more time with Orion and the others during the school year. Maybe with time, I’d get to witness Orion come out of his shell as we shared more endearing moments.

Prove Your Worth

"As you've been informed, Forsaken have been seen around campus. Being a Hunter and Huntress school, it's your duty to stall these Forsaken until one of the council members arrive on the scene to annihilate them. Do not be a hero and try to prove your worth. Battling with a Forsaken means risking your life," Ms. Arcadia announced.

Another three weeks had passed and midterms were next week. None of us could believe we'd been at Aslan for almost two months. I still hadn't heard from Magnor which was causing me to grow even more worried. I had gotten a quick chance to ask Othello and he reassured me Magnor was well, just extremely busy with the increased appearances of Forsaken. No one knew what was going on, but all the professors were encouraging us to continue doing our part as future hunters and huntresses by training and paying attention to the lessons they taught us.

We were in the middle of Advanced Magic class with Ms. Arcadia when the topic was brought up. Rumors about Forsaken appearing during the entrance exam had spread, but no one knew our team was the one who fought and defeated them.

Orion sat on my left and Hunter on my right. Theo and Finn were in the row in front of us and the twins sat behind us. Arielle was getting a back rub from Hunter who was barely paying attention to the lesson while Orion was doodling different cake designs in his notebook.

"I think that’s ridiculous. If we're powerful enough, we should be allowed to kill it," Vincent exclaimed from his seat in the far corner of the classroom.

A few students nodded in agreement, the majority of them being in Vincent’s crew of vamps.

"Oh really, Mr. Dreven?" Ms. Arcadia raised an eyebrow as she leaned against her desk up at the front of the classroom.

"Yes. I'm more than powerful enough to defeat a Forsaken. Bring them on," he huffed, leaning back in his chair with a prideful smile.

His friends who sat next to him patted his back, giving him words of praise.

"The cocky ones are always the first to die," Hunter announced, not even stopping to look at Vincent while he continued to rub Arielle's back.

"Bru-Ree!" Arielle agreed.

A few students snickered while others were awed by Arielle's responses to the conversation.

"Shut it, Mr. McGinty. You’re one to talk, with your family history," Vincent snarled.

I dropped my pencil, and a few people gasped. Hunter froze; his body went rigid. I rose to my feet.