Page 81 of Celestia, Year One

I blinked, quickly shaking my head. “Nope!" I lied. I felt Caio’s hands that had been on my waist slide down to my thighs.

"She doesn't need to see anything. The whole package is right here," Caio teased.

I groaned, my face probably completely red. "I'm...gonna go shower," I grumbled, sliding off Caio’s lap, who just laughed.

"I hope it's a nice cold one," Caio called out.

Cairus chuckled, blocking my path. He leaned forward, whispering in my ear. "Or I can join you if you need company," he voiced, sending shivers through me.

I slapped his chest.

"OW! Not the marked half, Dearest. I'm sensitive," he complained, guarding his chest against any further slaps.

"Good," I huffed, walking past him.

"Serves you right for teasing her," Caio called out.

"You had her on your lap. You’re worse than a tease. You're a bad influence," Cairus replied.

Their voices faded when I reached the top floor. I walked into my room, grabbing my workout clothes to change into. I might as well do my yoga before showering.

I changed into my black tights and neon yellow sports bra. I looked for a hair tie, sighing when I remembered I didn't have one.

"Orion and his hair tie prejudice," I mumbled.

"I don't have a hair tie problem," Orion voiced.

I jumped, looking over at the door where Orion was leaning against the gold frame, his hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Orion? When did you guys get back? I didn't hear you," I huffed.

"I know," he grinned. His purple eyes glanced down my body. "Going out for a run?" he asked.

"No. I'm gonna do yoga in the training room," I pointed out.

"With your hair down?" he asked.

I gave him a look, crossing my arms.

He blinked. "Oh," he realized.

"Uh huh," I grinned, noticing he was hiding something behind his back.

"What’re you hiding?" I asked.

"You have to close your eyes first," he declared.

"Is it for me?" I asked, bouncing on my feet.

He gave me a serene smile. "Maybe. But you won't know unless you close your eyes," he encouraged.

I immediately closed my eyes, giggling with anticipation. I heard Orion’s low chuckle, followed by his footsteps. I tried to stay still, curious as to what he got me.

I felt his presence behind me; his fingers slid through my locks, gathering my hair up and put it in a ponytail. Before I could ask him how he'd tie it, his hand tightened and I heard the twisting of a band. When he let go, my hair stayed in a ponytail.

I heard his footsteps again, sensing him in front of me once more.

"Okay, you can open your eyes," he announced.